Number of tenancies
The average number of tenancies that you manage |
Average time per month (hours)
The time that it takes you to manage your property portfolio |
Expected improvement in efficiency (%)
The expected time saving per month as a percentage |
Hourly rate (£/hour)
Value of your time or the person managing your property portfolio per hour |
Hours saved per month
The time saved by using Landlord Vision |
4 |
Monthly saving (£)
Value of the saved time |
£40.00 |
Monthly cost of Landlord Vision Essentials subscription (£)
Monthly cost of Landlord Vision Plus subscription (£)
The monthly cost of the Landlord Vision subscription based on the number of tenancies |
£30.38 |
We are so confident that you can save time and money using Landlord Vision that we built this calculator to demonstrate how much time and money you can save using Landlord Vision rather than a property manager, letting agent or even how much time you can save vs an unwieldy spreadsheet system.
Simply complete the four boxes in the calculator on this page. The calculator will then tell you how much time and money you will save using Landlord Vision instead of the method you're currently using to manage your property portfolio.
Based on previous calculations and research on average landlords using Landlord Vision see: