Landlords have been blamed a lot for the steep rise in the cost of living, but although rents are clearly going up on a steady trajectory, it would seem that the majority of tenants feel they are getting
Landlords have been blamed a lot for the steep rise in the cost of living, but although rents are clearly going up on a steady trajectory, it would seem that the majority of tenants feel they are getting
Flooding has been in the news an awful lot recently. Tidal surges and heavy rainfall in many parts of the country has caused damage to life and property along huge swathes of the east coast and the southwest. Unfortunately for landlords, a change in the rules is likely to lead to
Our next set of videos focuses on making refunds or credits back to your tenants. These tutorials demonstrate how Landlord Vision can help you to accurately record the flow of income between you and your tenants… How to Issue a Tenant Credit Note How to Issue a Tenant Refund Refunding Rent Over-payments Look out for […]
As a landlord, you have a duty of care to your tenants, so if they call you and say the boiler has broken down and they have no heating or hot water, it is your responsibility to deal with the problem.
2013 has been an excellent year for buy to let landlords. According to the latest figures from LSL Property Services, UK landlords have seen an average return on their investments of
A study on the effects of selective licensing has revealed that in most cases councils are onto a winner. The study carried out by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health looked at three council areas where selective licensing had been introduced for landlords operating HMOs.
Commercial cannabis farms have been a big problem for many years, but there is evidence of a growing number of criminals using homes in the private rented sector as a place to cultivate their cash crop. The problem is that cannabis farms represent a huge problem for landlords, not least because the landlord can be […]
To help you ease into using Landlord Vision, we’ve just uploaded many more useful training videos, including: How to Enter a Property Expense, Landlord Vision: How to Upload Documents, and Running Reports in Landlord Vision Additional new videos will be following in the New Year!
Many parts of the country are still cleaning up from the damage left behind after one of the highest tides along the east coast in more than 50 years. Floodwater wrecked homes and damaged businesses in Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the Humber, and East Anglia. Unfortunately, this type of incident is becoming increasingly common as the climate changes.
The Season of Goodwill is upon us, but landlords are being warned to watch out for fraudulent tenants. Whilst most tenants you will come across as a landlord are honest, inevitably there are a few who aren’t.
The owner of more than one residence can elect which residence to treat as the main PPR. The property does not need to be the main residence in practice, although the owner must have actually lived in the property as a residence at some time. The nominated property can be in the UK or abroad […]
From next April, anyone owning a second property will see their capital gains tax (CGT) relief reduced from three years down to 18 months.
Despite the shortage of available rooms to let in the capital, some landlords are willing to forgo rental income if a tenant can offer something in return. In case you are wondering, there really isn’t anything dodgy about this story. According to the London Evening Standard, there are an increasing number of landlords offering free […]