The successful outcome of the West Brom court case has led another group of landlords to start legal action against two more lenders: Skipton Building Society and the Bank of Ireland.
The successful outcome of the West Brom court case has led another group of landlords to start legal action against two more lenders: Skipton Building Society and the Bank of Ireland.
Increasing numbers of people aged 50 years and above now rent a home. A survey carried out by a leading insurance provider found that one third of the over 50s are in this category, compared to only 26% a few years ago. This pattern is not dissimilar to ‘Generation Rent’, many of whom who are […]
Buy to let can be lucrative, but only if you target properties in the right areas. As any experienced landlord knows, rental yield has to be above a certain margin or the business will not be profitable.
Build to rent is not a new concept, but it is becoming increasingly popular with corporate investors. The UK rental market has never been more buoyant. There are too many tenants and not enough available (or affordable) properties, so in places like London, it is extremely difficult for young professionals to find anywhere to live.
The case of Edwards v Kumarasamy sent shivers down the spines of landlords everywhere, but with the original judgement overturned in the Supreme Court, landlords can relax now. So what was the Edwards v Kumarasamy case all about?
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) provides a useful Landlord Advice Team service to landlords with problems. Most of their advice covers two important categories: evictions and deposit protection. Every week, the RLA posts an interesting report on the ‘call of the week’, which serves to highlight an unusual or complex landlord problem. The advice given […]
Tax planning is perfectly legitimate, but tax avoidance is not. Legitimate companies do a great job providing useful advice to help landlords mitigate property tax, but in the wake of the government’s 3% stamp duty surcharge, enquiries from landlords and property investors has snowballed.
According to one expert, the answer is “yes”. At least one veteran estate agent believes that the new chancellor, Philip Hammond, chosen to replace George Osborne will seek to calm fears in the property market by tempering the Stamp Duty rates imposed by Mr Osborne.
The buy to let sector is not looking too promising in the UK right now. This has created a renewed interest in the overseas property market, with some landlords considering investing in property abroad.
An interesting story hit the Twittersphere recently, when a company specialising in sub-letting plugged a blog claiming that students had the right to sub-let their private rental accommodation during the holidays. Of course it wasn’t long before a property lawyer disavowed their claim.
A horrified landlord has posted a series of photos online purporting to be of his rental property after the tenants were evicted. He wants the photos to act as a warning to other landlords, and to remind them to vet any tenants before offering them a tenancy agreement.
A Dutch landlord is taking his social responsibilities very seriously, by offering his tenants a 100 Euro discount if they help new refugee arrivals integrate into Dutch society.
Manchester City Council is debating whether to introduce a new landlord licensing scheme in a bid to deal with overcrowding and anti-social behaviour in the city’s private rental sector. The council introduced ‘The Manchester Rental Pledge’ in 2015, but although the scheme got off to a flying start, increasing immigration has led to a number […]
At the point of writing this, the outcome of the EU referendum is not known, but according to the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA), a vote to leave will not have any serious effect on the UK rental market.