A lot of professional landlords have had their fair share of outrageous tenant complaints and requests. Some complaints, however, are downright odd.
A lot of professional landlords have had their fair share of outrageous tenant complaints and requests. Some complaints, however, are downright odd.
New research carried out by Kent Reliance has found that landlords are spending a third of their rental income on costs relating to their buy to let properties. The survey data showed that landlords spend, on average, £3,632 per year on costs, excluding mortgage payments. The highest costs are in London, but Welsh landlords spend […]
The Tory manifesto has been published and in the raft of measures designed to tempt the voters, Theresa May has vowed to end unfair leaseholds and help ordinary families who are struggling with the high cost of living.
Rental accommodation is very expensive in the most popular university cities and only the wealthiest students can afford luxury student rentals.
Freedom of information requests submitted by a local campaigner reveals that 6,000 landlords have been the subject of a complaint to Tyne and Wear authorities in the last three years. 6,297 complaints were received by five separate councils, yet only one landlord was prosecuted. Newcastle council received the highest number of complaints, starting with 1007 […]
A Scottish landlord has the dubious honour of being the first landlord to be disqualified from acting as a landlord for breaching the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.
Letting agents charge tenants and landlords fees for drawing up tenancy agreements to carrying out credit checks and taking payments. Most people agree that some fees are appropriate, given that a letting agent does perform some duties, but a recent survey carried out by the Citizens Advice Bureau has found that the general public as […]
Labour has announced, in its manifesto, plans to shake up the private rental sector by handing out fines to rogue landlords via a landlord licensing scheme. Under the new proposals put forward by Jeremy Corbyn and his shadow housing minister, John Healey, all private landlords would have to pay for a landlord licence. Landlords who […]
There was a time when landlords were mostly men. Today, however, the situation is very different. Research carried out by a leading landlord insurer shows that 40% of all landlords are female. This is in stark contrast to the number of female business owners, with only 17% of SMEs owned by women. So are women […]
Data from a survey carried out on National Landlords Association members has revealed that only 48% of landlords are seeing increases in property rents this year. The numbers of landlords who plan to put rents up is lower than the last quarter of 2016, which is good news for tenants and not so good for […]
Criminal landlords operating in London will soon be named and shamed in an online database. Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan believes the new landlord database will make it harder for rogue landlords to attract tenants into their properties.
The Local Government Association (LGA) is calling on the government to crack down on landlords who convert larger properties into multiple bedsits in order to secure extra Housing Benefit payments from tenants. Some disreputable landlords have discovered that they can make more money by letting individual rooms in a larger property rather than marketing the […]
For many landlords, the promise of making their lives easier is one that is hard to ignore but what is rental property management software? In a nutshell, the software will enable a landlord to manage their property or properties wherever they are and at any time. It’s also important that they should be able to […]
Damage is common in rental properties. Sooner or later, all landlords have to deal with damage to permanent fixtures. This can include a broken window, cracked bathroom sink, or kicked in door.