Selective licensing schemes are becoming increasingly popular. Local Authorities designate certain properties as subject to licencing.
Selective licensing schemes are becoming increasingly popular. Local Authorities designate certain properties as subject to licencing.
Landlords are being invited to brush up on their fire safety skills via a free online voluntary course. The course aims to boost landlords’ knowledge of key fire safety issues and make them fully aware of their legal obligations.
Paragon, a leading buy to let mortgage provider has conducted a survey of financial services intermediaries and discovered that 65% of them believe the sector will stabilise in the next 12 months. This is the first time that confidence levels have stabilised since the 2015 announcement from George Osborne that mortgage interest tax relief would […]
A new hashtag has been sweeping Twitter. #ventyourrent is inspired by horror stories from Generation Rent. Twitter users have been sharing their stories of horrible rental accommodation and nightmare landlords. Many have experienced rogue landlords, rip-off letting agents, and all manner of squalor.
It’s been another busy week at Landlord Vision, here’s some of what we’ve been up to…
A government green paper has pledged that social housing tenants will be given new powers to tackle rogue landlords and work towards property ownership, but critics are already pouring cold water on the proposed strategy.
A newly published report by the RICS has highlighted the scale of the problem about to hit the private rental sector. Experts predicted that many landlords would sell up as soon as government tax changes began to bite, but now it seems they are leaving in record numbers.
Following the recent increase in the Bank of England’s base rate from 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent, landlords are being urged to check their current financing arrangements. Experts are warning that…
A Liverpool landlord has been left seriously out of pocket after tenants trashed his rental property. He is now calling for the council to do more to support hard-working landlords…
Councillors in Cheshire East have amended their housing policy to crack down on rogue landlords operating in Crewe and Nantwich. Private landlords have been warned to expect tough penalties if they don’t comply with the revised housing standards. Landlords who continue to supply poor quality housing could face a number of serious penalties.
New Feature Released! Payments to non bank accounts On Monday 23rd July 2018 we released a new feature allowing payments to be made from non bank accounts as well as bank accounts. How does this help? Well here’s a couple of scenarios…
The majority of UK landlords do not run their portfolios full-time. Around 60% of buy to let investors only own one property, which has made them vulnerable to recent government legislative changes. It’s estimated that 20% of these amateur landlords are planning to sell up and leave the buy to let sector in the next […]
New Software Updates Requested by You On the 23rd July Landlord Vision launched it’s latest update. New features include…
With the August 1st deadline almost here, Nottingham has only received licensing applications from 10% of the city’s properties. There are 32,000 properties in the designated areas covered by the new landlord licensing scheme require a landlord licence. Up until the 28th of July, only 3,140 applications had been received by the council. Landlords who […]