We now know that the Renters Reform Bill did not make it through parliament before close down for the General Election and therefore the future of the Bill very much depends on who wins the Election.
We now know that the Renters Reform Bill did not make it through parliament before close down for the General Election and therefore the future of the Bill very much depends on who wins the Election.
The rental market is a competitive place and, as a result, landlords and property managers are always striving to find new and innovative ways to make their properties stand out to the right tenants.
When preparing a rental property for tenants, landlords must make many important decisions, including whether or not to equip the property with white and brown goods.
Opening a letter to discover you’re under investigation by HMRC is a headache every landlord would rather avoid.
Are you leveraging social media to boost your rental business? Research by We Are Social has found that there are 56.2 million social media users in the UK – that’s the equivalent of 82.8% of the total population. These users spend an average of one hour and 49 minutes across 6.4 platforms.
Want to increase your property investment returns? Learn how to calculate rental yields and identify high-yielding properties to boost your rental income.
A landlord friend asked me a question last week and it has given me food for thought. “I you could change just one thing in the private lettings business what would it be – excluding finance and taxation – something realistic.”
There are many ways in which landlords looking to sell their properties in 2024 can increase the value of their house, through either quick wins or longer-term projects.
Love it or hate it, technology has revolutionised the way that most businesses operate – including those in the property management sector.
The UK Government’s 2024 Spring budget was recently delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, introducing the country’s financial trajectory for the near future. This one was eloquently labelled as a long-term plan for sustainable financial growth and is likely to be the last financial statement before the next general election, which must take place before the […]
As a landlord, it’s essential to prioritise security. During the year ending September 2023, there were over 180,000 residential burglaries in England and Wales – that’s roughly 493 burglaries every day.
The new Landlord Vision has been going for a few months now and for the last couple, we have been really packing the features in so I thought it would be a good time to review where we are up to, just in case you thought we weren’t doing anything. Many of them are also […]
MTD for ITSA or Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment to give it its full title. You remember that? Perhaps you’d prefer not to.
Navigating the landscape of property rental involves more than just finding the right tenants; it’s also about rigorous adherence to legal standards to avoid significant liabilities. Compliance isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s a critical component of successful property management that safeguards both the landlord and the tenant. Understanding and avoiding common compliance pitfalls is […]