The government has drafted a voluntary code of conduct designed to offer protection to hard-hit commercial tenants, but critics say the plan is “toothless” and it won’t protect tenants from aggressive landlords.
The government has drafted a voluntary code of conduct designed to offer protection to hard-hit commercial tenants, but critics say the plan is “toothless” and it won’t protect tenants from aggressive landlords.
Tenant referencing is a critical part of finding a new tenant. It can sometimes be a pain contacting a former landlord, but by speaking to a tenant’s previous landlord, you can verify a number of things…
There is a lot to think about when you first start renting out property. From protecting deposits to checking-in your new tenants. It’s hardly surprising that some inexperienced landlords make mistakes or neglect to tick all the boxes. Now that the restrictions preventing people from moving house have been lifted, there is likely to be […]
Picture the moment: As a landlord you’ve parted ways with a tenant, the day has arrived for you to regain possession of your property. You unlock the door, hoping to find your property in good condition. So far so good, no major damage, but wait, the rooms aren’t empty!
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the economy and caused havoc to so many people, and the private rental sector is no exception.
Property auctions are not for the faint of heart, as fans of Homes Under the Hammer will know. Bid on the wrong property and there is no going back. Once the gavel slams down, that property is yours, for better or worse. Unlike a regular purchase, you can’t back out of the sale.
An online letting agent is calling on landlords to pass on their savings from a mortgage holiday to their tenants. The agent says landlords should not expect cash-strapped tenants to pay off their rent arrears and they should be willing to offer rent cuts during the Covid-19 crisis.
No matter what type of buy to let property you’re looking to invest in, you need to decide whether you want long-term or short-term tenants. In some cases, it’s a no-brainer, but in other instances, it might not be so obvious. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the pros and cons […]
According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), more accidents occur in the home than anywhere else. 2.7 million people a year are treated in hospital A&E departments for injuries sustained at home.
The London Renter’s Union is calling on tenants to stop paying their rent if they are struggling financially due to Covid-19. Their campaign follows hot on the heels of action taken by renters in other parts of the UK and abroad.
New government legislation pertaining to electrical safety comes into force in July. With non-compliance penalties of up to £30k, this is not something landlords can afford to ignore.
I am focusing on the impact to property investors while at the same time acknowledging the dreadful loss of lives and heartache that many people will be dealing with. “History shows that there are two things we can be sure of when it comes to financial crises: there will be another one, and the next […]
Times are tough for landlords and tenants right now. Huge numbers of people have lost their jobs or had their hours cut, which has made it very difficult for tenants to pay their rent. There is help in place for landlords with mortgages, as lenders have agreed to offer temporary payment holidays for anyone experiencing […]
Gardens can be a bit of a pain for landlords, especially if you discover the tenant hasn’t maintained it and the weeds are ten feet high. Sadly, there is often a fair degree of confusion about who is responsible for what. Tenants may assume it’s up to the landlord to take care of the garden […]