This is the third part of a series which has looked at the different methods of accounting landlords can use and what the pros and cons are taking into account the current Covid pandemic.
This is the third part of a series which has looked at the different methods of accounting landlords can use and what the pros and cons are taking into account the current Covid pandemic.
Our sister site Tax Insider helps landlords and other taxpayers to understand taxation matters and to reduce their tax burdens. In this second of three guest posts from Tax Insider you can learn how Coronavirus has impacted landlords using the Accrual Basis.
It’s not unusual for landlords of an HMO to be concerned about abuse of the utilities when the rent is inclusive of bills but the unusual circumstances of the past year has caused that concern to heighten as bills have risen and profits have reduced.
An article in the ‘Times’ stated that 53% of parents plan to financially support their children through university. Many will fund via savings, however, there is an alternative method of finance to consider that allows parents to still keep their savings intact. There is also an added bonus of a minimal tax bill if correct […]
For all sorts of reasons, you might find yourself needing to deal rental payment refunds in Landlord Vision, particularly if a tenancy ends earlier than you expected. In this article we’re going to show you how you’d deal with ending a tenancy and issuing a refund in Landlord Vision.
Our sister site Tax Insider helps landlords and other taxpayers to understand taxation matters and to reduce their tax burdens. In this first of three guest posts from Tax Insider you can learn how Coronavirus has impacted landlords using the Cash Basis.
With more than a million burglaries and attempted burglaries taking place across the UK every year, the issue of tenant security is one that should definitely be on every landlord’s radar. This is especially true because rented properties are at even more risk of burglary than owner occupier homes.
With the rental market being as competitive as it is, any switched-on landlord with a compact property should be looking for ways to maximise the space available there to help them stand out from the competition.
Sheffield is the UK city with the best rated landlords, while Derby and Hull were jointly rated as the worst by tenants, according to a new study.
Landlords have a responsibility to ensure their properties are safe for tenants. This includes paying close attention to fire safety. Unlike gas safety or electrical safety, there isn’t a certificate you can obtain that shows unequivocally that your property is safe for tenants, but there are certain things you must do, some of which are […]
The coronavirus ‘stay-at-home’ instruction led to the temporary closure of office premises across the country. Many workers who abruptly left their office desks following the declaration of the pandemic have embraced working from home for nearly one year.
One of the biggest concerns for many landlords is rent arrears. Some tenants have fallen outside of various Governments schemes to support those who cannot earn at the moment and many landlords are working with them to avoid eviction and to agree payments which those tenants can afford.
Our wonderful customers are always full of great ideas on how to improve Landlord Vision. That’s why we listen to your suggestions and encourage you to vote on our development priorities. It’s what makes Landlord Vision a top-class property management solution and keeps our customers happy and organised while saving them time and money.
A tenancy agreement is a contract between the landlord and the tenant. It sets out in writing all the terms and conditions of the tenancy. This includes how long the tenancy will last, how much rent the landlord expects the tenant to pay, and when these payments are due. Like any other contract, it is […]