It’s no secret among property investors that running a successful house in multiple occupation (better known as an HMO) can be a highly profitable venture.
It’s no secret among property investors that running a successful house in multiple occupation (better known as an HMO) can be a highly profitable venture.
There’s a lot to juggle as a landlord, particularly if you’re managing a portfolio of properties. From tenant management to compliance, financial management to property maintenance, being organised is key to running a successful rental business.
Operating a rental property without the right landlord license is a serious offence which can result in hefty fines for UK landlords.
Just when we thought that everything had been said and expected Royal Assent by early summer THIS happened
Introduction As some of you may know, we have built a new version of Landlord Vision. We released this in September 2023 and it has been the main product for sale on the website since then.
When the Labour Party’s Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law later this year, all fixed-term assured tenancies will automatically become rolling periodic tenancies.
Rent Repayment Orders (RROs) are becoming increasingly common and will soon gain more power when the Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law.
As the Renters Rights Bill enters the House of Lords (next at committee stage) its fairly safe to assume that no major changes will be made and therefore for us all to plan for the near future when there will be so many changes.
Do your rental properties meet the criteria to be classed as ‘decent’ homes? Most landlords would like to think so! However, a government consultation on the private rented sector (PRS) found that 21% of properties currently do not meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standard.
The start of a new year is a great time to set goals and prepare for the year ahead. If expanding your property portfolio is top of your list this year, we’re here to help you make informed investment decisions.
Article 4 The latest reading of the Renters Rights bill in the Commons took place on 14th January
The New Year is a good time to put pen to paper, set goals, and create a plan for the year ahead.
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the New Year ahead.
Paying taxes is part and parcel of running a successful property portfolio.