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New Features in Landlord Vision – August 2024 Update

By 3 min read • August 29, 2024
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It’s here.  It’s the big one. It’s the Tenant Portal!

Probably the one thing we’ve been asked for most since we launched the new version is when will we have a means for tenants to access the software.  Well, the answer is now.  There are three parts to this release:

The Tenant Portal

The tenant portal itself is a simple viewer that allows your tenants to view information about themselves, their property, their tenancy and also what they have and haven’t paid.  You can also share documents with them, so they always have a secure area where they can download key documents relating to their property or tenancy.  And on top of that they can view their statement of account and download their invoices.  At the moment it is just a web portal, just like we had in the legacy software, but we will be making an app in the future so they can install it on their phone and get push notifications.  There will also be more features in the future that will link to the portal, but for now it is just a simple data viewer.  Follow the blog for more updates.  You can invite your tenants to the portal in Contacts > Three Dots menu > Invite to Tenant Portal.

Tenant Service Desk

The first feature to link to the Tenant Portal is the Tenant Service Desk, which allows your tenants to raise tickets with you for maintenance issues, or other queries they may have.  You can then respond to these tickets and escalate them to other people to get things done and of course, close the tickets when they are complete.

A few things have changed since the legacy version.  The Tenant Service Desk now sits within the software and doesn’t run as its own separate object.  As such, all the users are already assigned to the helpdesk so you don’t need to invite people to use it.  Also, we no longer have departments, you just simply add the people that you need to each ticket.  Find it in Communications > Tenant Service Desk.

Raise work orders

A completely new feature is the ability to raise work orders for external contractors to bid on and instruct them to do the work.  A new section has been added called Maintenance where you can raise a work order and specify the work that needs doing.  You can ask for quotes from contractors and also track any that you receive.  Instruct the contractors from within the software and they can also send you their invoice which immediately passes through the receipt scanning section for turning into a bill.

Changes to the dashboard

You may already have noticed this, but we have adjusted the layout of the dashboard slightly.  All dashboard widgets are now the same width so they can be sorted into columns more easily.  You can have anything up to four columns, depending on the size of the screen or window you are using.  Also, the Accounts widget is now of a definite size, and the individual Safety Certificate, Mortgages, Interest Rates, Warranties and Right to Rent widgets have been replaced with two widgets, one to show what is expiring and another to show what has already expired.

As if that wasn’t enough, we have now introduced two new widgets, one for the Service Desk and one for the Work Orders.  Both show you how many new updates you have in each section, whether it be a new ticket from a tenant, a reply, a quote for work, or an invoice received, helping you keep on top of what’s going on.

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