The mayor of Newham has criticised Alan Ward, chairman of the Residential Housing Association. In an article published in Inside Housing, Sir Robin Wales says landlord licensing has made a tangible difference and greatly improved the private rental sector in Newham.
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Rogue Landlords Not Given an Easy Ride in Newham
“Our scheme has helped deliver 800 prosecutions against criminal landlords – in 2014/15 we were responsible for 70% of all housing prosecutions in London. We have also banned 28 landlords in relation to 230 properties, recovered thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money through 125 Rent Repayment Orders, and conducted more than 300 joint operations with the police, HMRC, and immigration officers. Criminal landlords are not getting an easy ride in Newham”, says Sir Robin.
Newham was the first London borough to introduce compulsory landlord licensing. Sir Robin says the council thought carefully before making the decision, but a small minority of rogue landlords forced their hand by letting out unsafe, overcrowded properties to tenants.
The Marmot Review
Sir Robin cites the Marmot Review in his article. This highly influential report found a link between poor housing conditions and health problems.
“Stable housing can help remove barriers to employment,” says Sir Robin.
“We want to build a resilient community where residents have all the tools to achieve their aspirations. Poor housing represents a clear threat to that vision. Newham Council shows that with the will and resources, councils already have the powers needed to protect tenants from bad landlords.”