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How to leverage AI in property management

By 7 min read • August 30, 2024
Abstract glowing house icon on digital background. 3d rendering toned image

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is shaking things up for landlords and property managers everywhere. It’s weaving its way into almost every aspect of property management—from tenant screening to property maintenance—saving time and boosting performance along the way.

Because AI technology has developed so quickly and new tools are constantly emerging, many landlords are not yet harnessing its full power. And we totally get it—running a portfolio of buy-to-let properties is a demanding job that doesn’t leave much time for learning new technologies.

However, embracing AI could prove to be a wise investment of your time. Integrating AI into your operations could not only simplify your job by automating and streamlining tasks and processes, but it could also help you gain a competitive edge in the marketplace and drive business growth.

Ready to learn more? Read on to discover where and how to integrate AI into your rental business to save time, boost efficiency, and maximise your investment’s profitability.

What do we mean by AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that simulates human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. While AI is not a new technology, it has advanced in leaps and bounds over the last few years, reshaping the way that businesses work across all industries. AI helps to automate, speed up, and streamline tasks to save us time and resources while minimising the risk of human error.

AI technology is integrated into all sorts of tools and technologies commonly used within the property management industry, from specialist landlord software to smart home heating systems. Leveraging these tools can help streamline your role as a property manager and optimise your rental business’s performance.

How can AI be leveraged in property management?

When you think about AI, tools like ChatGPT may be among the first to spring to mind, right? However, the scope of AI extends way beyond personal assistant tools. It is used within a huge array of tools and technologies across nearly every industry imaginable. For landlords and property managers, there are countless opportunities to integrate AI into their roles to optimise the way they work—from keeping up with the paperwork to improving the tenant experience.

Let’s take a look at some of the key areas of property management where integrating AI technology can have the biggest impact:

  • Automate administrative tasks

Property managers typically face a daunting amount of paperwork and admin tasks on a daily basis. From managing tenant applications to recording payments and expenses, admin is a time-consuming aspect of property management, especially if you’re juggling a portfolio of buy-to-lets. AI can be used to speed up many of these repetitive and time-consuming tasks to help free up valuable time.

Here’s how AI can help ease the administrative burden:

  • Bookkeeping: AI can be used to automatically track and record all transactions so that you don’t have to, helping you keep accurate and up-to-date financial records. It can also help with bookkeeping tasks like categorising expenses and preparing financial reports to streamline your accounting processes.
  • Lease management: AI can be used to generate draft tenancy agreements and renewals.
  • Property listings: Use AI to quickly generate compelling property listings and then optimise them by analysing similar successful listings.
  • Tenant communications: Tools like ChatGPT can help you generate clear and professional tenant communications.
  • Enhanced tenant screening

AI technology can be leveraged to help improve the tenant screening process, helping landlords find more reliable tenants, boost tenant retention rates, and minimise costly void periods. AI-powered tenant screening tools can automate the retrieval and analysis of tenant data, quickly and accurately analysing large quantities of tenant data, including credit scores, criminal records, financial history, and rental history. It then uses this information to make accurate predictions about the individual’s reliability and character, helping property managers dodge bullets and minimise risk.

  • Predictive maintenance

Maintaining the condition of your buy-to-let properties not only helps to keep your tenants comfortable and happy but can also prevent property damage and maintain the value of your investment. If you’re managing multiple properties, manually keeping up with routine maintenance tasks and property inspections can be time-consuming and require excellent organisational skills. Predictive property maintenance tools use AI technology to learn the unique maintenance requirements of each of your properties and then automatically schedule maintenance tasks at the optimal time to reduce the likelihood of your properties falling into disrepair.

  • Energy management

AI-powered technologies like smart boilers, thermostats, and lighting systems can monitor, control, and optimise the amount of energy used in your rental properties, helping to boost energy efficiency, reduce energy bills, improve tenant comfort, and reduce your business’s carbon footprint. These technologies use intelligent algorithms to optimise property energy management based on real-time data on energy usage and occupancy patterns.

  • Dynamic pricing models

Setting the right price for your buy-to-let is key to minimising void periods and maximising your investment’s profitability. Dynamic pricing tools use AI to constantly analyse market trends like supply and demand, compare competitors’ prices and track your property’s performance. They then use this information to make intelligent, data-driven pricing recommendations. Property managers can use these intelligent insights to adapt to market trends quickly and maximise their profitability. These tools are particularly useful for landlords managing short-term lets like holiday homes and Airbnbs.

  • Tenant support

Providing prompt responses to tenant queries helps to improve tenant satisfaction and maintain good relationships with your tenants. While it may not be practical for you to provide round-the-clock support to tenants yourself, AI-powered chatbots and automated support systems can provide tenants with instant answers to common questions and acknowledgement of more complex requests, reducing your workload and ensuring tenants always feel supported.

  • Financial management and forecasting

AI excels at quickly analysing large quantities of data, making it invaluable for financial planning, reporting, and risk assessment. It is capable of analysing cash flows, expenses, and income patterns for your whole property portfolio in a matter of seconds, providing deep insights into your portfolio’s financial health to help you take pre-emptive action, plan for future investments, or make data-driven changes to your strategy.

AI tools and technology for landlords and property managers

Now that we’ve explored how AI can be leveraged to simplify and optimise property management, let’s find out which tools are trailblazing this niche.

Best AI bookkeeping tool: can help landlords and property managers automate tedious bookkeeping tasks like reconciliation and categorisation using AI-driven RPA and generative AI. It saves you tons of time and minimises the risk of errors by continuously monitoring for inconsistencies and alerting you of potential errors.

Best AI tenant screening tool: GoodLord

GoodLord uses AI-driven technology to provide a comprehensive and fast tenant referencing service. Property managers can choose between three different levels of service, allowing them to select the one that best suits their needs.The GoodLord referencing process checks tenants against four criteria: credit, residential history, identification, and income and affordability.

Best AI energy management tool: Time:O:Stat

Popular smart thermostats like Hive and Nest are a great starting point for introducing AI-powered energy management to your rental properties. However, if you’re looking for a more advanced tool, check out Time:O:Stat, the smart thermostat designed by landlords for landlords. The Time:O:Stat is designed for HMOs and holiday lets and can help landlords cut their heating bills by up to 40%.

Best AI dynamic pricing model tool: PriceLabs

PriceLabs is a dynamic pricing and revenue management tool that can help landlords who manage short-term lets to increase revenue and occupancy rates. The tool helps landlords maximise revenue by implementing data-driven pricing informed by its intelligent price recommendations, which are produced using a Hyper Local Pulse algorithm.

Best AI tool for tenant support: ZenDesk

Effective communication and prompt responses to tenant queries help to build strong tenant relationships, enhance your reputation, and boost profitability as a landlord. While it may not be practical for you to respond to tenant queries around the clock, an AI customer support tool like ZenDesk can provide automated, personalised support to your tenants no matter what the time of night or day, ensuring that they always feel supported and that communications are never missed.

Best AI financial management and forecasting tool: Upmetrics

Upmetrics is a powerful financial management and forecasting tool that uses AI to help landlords and property managers streamline their financial planning. Upmetrics can help you manage cash flow, budget effectively, and optimise your financial strategies to maximise profitability. With its AI-driven insights, you can better predict future income, track expenses, and ensure that your properties remain financially viable.

What are the challenges associated with leveraging AI in property management?

While the benefits of integrating the right AI tools tend to outweigh the challenges, landlords must ensure that they are aware of the challenges they may face before taking the plunge.

One of the biggest obstacles landlords face when adopting AI tools and technology is cost. For landlords managing only a few properties, the cost of these tools may not be justifiable. However, for those with larger portfolios, the time savings and operational efficiencies gained can significantly enhance their overall profitability. Beyond the initial cost of AI technology, there is also the cost of training. Property managers should also factor in the cost of training themselves and their staff to use these new tools effectively.

Another critical challenge is data security and compliance. If AI tools require access to sensitive tenant information or data, then it’s the landlord’s or property manager’s responsibility to ensure that this data is securely managed and that the AI systems comply with data protection regulations like the GDPR.

Are you ready to adopt AI for property management?

AI tools and technologies can help landlords and property managers save time, reduce errors, and boost their ROI. However, the cost of some of these tools may outweigh the benefits for landlords managing only a few properties, and they are often better suited to landlords with growing portfolios who operate on a larger scale.

If you think your rental business has reached a point where AI could help streamline operations and optimise performance and ROI, and you have the means to invest, it’s important that you choose reputable tools that are trusted within your industry. Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure that your data is handled responsibly and in compliance with regulations to maintain trust and integrity and avoid financial and legal repercussions.

AI for property management is still in its early stages, with new tools and technologies emerging every day. These tools are only set to get more numerous and sophisticated as time goes on. Staying informed about the tools available to you and the most effective ways to integrate them into your rental business will help you make informed business decisions, gain a competitive edge, and position your buy-to-let business for long-term success.

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