It’s difficult to stay up to date with the latest news and legislation at the best of times, but during the coronavirus epidemic things change quickly and with very little notice. Luckily there are plenty of places Landlords can go to keep on top of everything.
In this post we’ll share the top coronavirus information hubs for landlords. Bookmark this article – or the hubs we share – so you can find them quickly when you need them.
Government Briefings
Where better to get your news than from the horse’s mouth. The government are committed to giving a briefing every day during the crisis. These have even happened at weekends. The breifings usually start around 5pm (usually earlier at weekends) and last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. If you want to know about the latest legislative changes or what might be on the cards in the days ahead you really can’t afford to miss these.
You can watch the government briefing live on the BBC, BBC iPlayer, BBC news and Sky News. If you don’t have a TV licence though you may need to watch via a different method. There are various Facebook pages that show the briefings as they happen.
The government website also contains official documents that detail the measures being taken to help landlords and tenants.
Property Tribes
Property Tribes are always there for landlords though thick and thin, so when this crisis hit Property Tribes were on it.
Take advantage of the Property Tribes articles where you can learn everything from the recent Coronavirus news to freebies and resources to help you make the most of lockdown. You can also delve into any of the Tribes to speak to other landlords on anything property related.
Start exploring Property Tribes now, not only will they keep you up to date on Cornavirus, they’ll also answer all your burning questions, provide useful videos and keep you updated on landlord specific events.
Landlords Guild Coronavirus Hub
While their coronavirus case counter doesn’t seem to be working, there’s nothing wrong with the regularly updated data on this page. In the Landlords Guild hub you’ll find loads of landlord specific guidance for dealing with the crisis. Landlords Guild covers everything from dealing with inspections and repairs to business help and guidance.
Make sure to check out the useful links at the bottom of the page which provide advice for landlords outside of England. These links also provide more generalised guidance from the NHS, advice for tenants and tradespeople and even information on the GasSafeRegister in an age of coronavirus.
Lendlord’s Coronavirus Hub
Lendlord specialise in helping Landlords monitor their lending. Their hub deals exclusively with giving landlords extra information around mortgages and the different mortgage payment holiday terms of lenders in the UK. If you have a mortgage and you want a re-payment holiday this is the hub for you.
The Tenancy Deposit Service are aware that you may still need to deal with tenants moving in and out. Even though covid-19 has pushed most of us into lockdown these situations can’t always be avoided. Their hub deals with how coronavirus is changing the way deposits are held and managed. If you’re dealing with any elements of deposits right now, the TDS hub has some useful guidance for you in the form of a Pre, during and post tenancy Q&As.
Property Investment Project
While not technically a hub, this landlord has been taking a no-nonsense approach to talking about life as a landlord for years and he certainly hasn’t slowed down for Coronavirus. As well as being a hilarious, irreverent take on life as a landlord right now, these posts contain some very useful and practical information.
Simply Business
Simply Business might be landlord insurance providers, but their blog posts are usually on point and their Coronavirus hub is no exception. Here you’ll find the latest news and resources for landlords during the pandemic. While it isn’t as in depth as some of the other hubs mentioned here, it is a great place to keep a generalised finger on the pulse of what’s going on.
So those are the top coronavirus hubs for landlords. Don’t forget you can also find landlord news and advice on dealing with coronavirus on the Landlord Vision blog. If you’ve got any other great resources or hubs that are useful for landlords during the crisis share them with us on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll update this post.
Remember, stay safe, stay informed and keep washing your hands…
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