As the end of the year approaches, we want to take the opportunity to encourage you to have a break. Take some downtime, relax, spend time with your family and recharge your batteries.
It’s difficult to do that if you’ve got outstanding things to deal with, especially if they are things you should have done ages ago! So, in the interests of preparing for the New Year here are some important things you should get done in Landlord Vision before the holidays arrive…
Submit Your Tax Return!
It might seem like a big task, but if you’ve been saving all your income and expenditure details in Landlord Vision then you should be able to do this in just a few minutes!
Click into your portfolio, then into Reports in the left-hand menu. Then All Reports ->Tax Reports and here you’ll see the Income Tax Report.
This report will show you all your income and expenditure and the numbered boxes correlate to the numbered sections of your tax return. Just think how much more satisfying your Christmas break will be if you’ve already dealt with your tax return.
Check out this post for more details on using the Landlord Vision income tax report:
Close Outstanding Tenant Tickets and Tasks (After Dealing With Them!)
If you’ve invited your tenants to use the Tenant Module and there are any outstanding issues in your Helpdesk try to get them sorted before the new year starts. If you’re taking a break in December you’ll find it so much easier to relax if you aren’t worried about any issues your tenants are having. It’s easy to see which of your tenants’ tickets are outstanding. Simply click on the blue ‘Tenant Service Desk’ button in the top right hand corner of Landlord Vision and work through any of the new or open tickets in Aikidesk.
If you haven’t invited your tenant to use the Tenant Module yet, send them an invite so you can go into 2022 being more organised. Here’s how to set your tenants up in the Tenant Module.
Chase any Outstanding Rent
Hopefully, all your tenants have paid their rent on time and you don’t have any outstanding fees at all, but if you do now is a great time to send reminders if it’s necessary.
You can do this from Landlord Vision with just a few clicks. Click into your portfolio, then in the left hand menu click Tenant Manager –> Invoices. Against each invoice you’ll find an envelope that says ‘Send’. Clicking this will allow you to send an invoice / reminder to the tenant. You can even edit it before it is sent.
Pay Outstanding Invoices
If you owe any of your suppliers money, try to get them paid off before the year ends. Not only is this good for your supplier relationships but it means you can start next year with a clean slate not owing anyone anything.
If you’ve been adding your expenses to Landlord Vision as they pop up, then any outstanding invoices should be ready and waiting for you. Click into your portfolio, then into Property Manager in the left-hand menu, then Expenses. Any unpaid invoices should be here.
Add any Rogue Expenses
You know the ones you’ve been meaning to add for ages and keep putting off because you’ll get around to it someday. Do it now! Take the time to add in those rogue expenses and bring all your accounts up to date so you can start 2022 as you mean to go on. It also means they’ll be accounted for in your next tax return!
It’s very simple to add an expense in Landlord Vision, if you need a refresh though here’s our Creating an Expense tutorial on User Echo.
So, there you have our top tips on preparing your Landlord Vision account for the New Year. Is there anything we’ve missed or anything special you do to prepare your account for Christmas? Let us know in the comments and we’ll update this article.