The Housing Minister has announced that more than 50 local authorities are being given access to a £2.4 million pot of cash to help them tackle the scourge of rogue landlords. It’s not a whole lot per council – only £48,000 each – but it’s better than nothing.
Housing Minster Makes Announcement
“Everyone has the right to live in a home that is safe and secure, and it is vital we crack down on the small minority of landlords who are not giving their tenants this security,” says Housing Minister Heather Wheeler.
“This extra funding will further boost councils’ ability to root out rogue landlords and ensure that poor-quality homes in the area are improved, making the housing market fairer for everyone.”
The money can be used to help pay for extra front-line staff, digital tools, and will help councils cement existing measures already in place.
Rogue Landlords are in a Minority
Most private sector landlords look after their tenants, but a small minority continue to flout the law. It is these individuals that the government wants councils to take action against.
Councils with access to the cash include Greater London Authority, Lancaster, and Walsall. These are all areas where problems have been identified. Lancaster has announced it will create a new training program to help its enforcement staff deal with rogue landlords. GLA will use the cash to find rogue landlords operating across multiple areas within their region.
The funding can also be used to support vulnerable tenants who have been targeted by rogue landlords.
Driving Up Standards in the Private Rental Sector
In their press release, the government says it hopes the extra funding will help to “drive up standards in the private rented sector”. Common challenges faced by councils include poor data sharing between different agencies, a lack of innovative software, and not enough information on landlords.