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Working with Others in Landlord Vision

By 2 min read • June 13, 2019
Landlord Vision software tip

When you’re managing your properties, you may find yourself working with a few different people.

At first, it’s just tenants, maybe bank staff and the occasional contractor. As you grow it might involve property managers, accountants and others.

We know that collaboration is the key to being a good landlord, so Landlord Vision helps you work with as many people as you need to, without charging you extra for the privilege. As Steve Jobs said:

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.”

In this month’s software tip, we’re sharing all the ways you can collaborate with your team in Landlord Vision…

Give Restricted Access to Others

If you’re working with partners, employees or colleagues, you can give them access to your Landlord Vision portfolio.

Giving them full access will allow them to view all the data in your portfolio and to manage it on your behalf.

You can also grant others limited access so you’re always in control of who can see your data.

Find out how to grant access to Landlord Vision

Give Your Accountant Access

If you use an accountant, you can also give them access to your account. Much like restricted access you can control what they see. This has huge advantages as the accountant will be able to access your financial information without having to ask you about it.

Find out how to give access to your accountant

Use the Tenant Module

You can invite your tenants to use the tenant module meaning they can see key information about their property, rental agreement and rent payments.

The tenant module also has a built-in help desk so your tenants can report issues and send you messages, the software saves an audit trail of these messages for your added security.

Find out how to use the Tenant Module

Email Your Data to Anyone

You can contact anyone you like via email from Landlord Vision. This makes it easier to send specific portfolio information to the people who matter. You can set up automatic emails, send a one-off email and even send some with one click.

Learn how to send emails from Landlord Vision

Shared Portfolios

If you share ownership of the portfolio it’s easy to co-manage your properties in Landlord Vision. You can invite the other landlord to the portfolio (or vice versa) and you can state your ownership percentage so that financial reports adequately reflect your ownership share.

Learn more about joint portfolios

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