Student landlords with properties in an upmarket area of Manchester had a bit of a shock when their student tenants went home for the summer after exams had finished.
Student landlords with properties in an upmarket area of Manchester had a bit of a shock when their student tenants went home for the summer after exams had finished.
According to a recent article on the thisismoney website, an increasing number of pensioners and older workers are being attracted to the buy to let rental sector with the promise of far better returns on their savings than is available via the usual routes.
According to leading charities Shelter and Electrical Safety First around one third of rental properties in England don’t meet basic electrical safety standards. The charities are warning that more than one million potentially dangerous issues were reported last year and some tenants were being
According to figures from National Debtline, which is one of the UK’s leading finance charities, the number of people calling their helpline about rent arrears has increased by more than 150% in the last seven years. In 2007, the charity received around 8,000 telephone calls from concerned tenants. This
Available accommodation is in such short supply in London that some tenants are paying several hundred pounds per month for ‘studio’ flats so small that the bed is within reach of the kitchen sink.
A landlord in Gateshead had a shock when he turned up at his property unannounced to inform the tenant he was putting the house on the market. To his great surprise, the landlord discovered the house had been turned into a sophisticated cannabis farm. Two bedrooms contained around 40
‘Beds in sheds’ is a relatively recent phenomenon in areas where there are more tenants than available rental properties. The phenomenon means that some landlords rent out hastily converted garden sheds and outbuildings in order to make a profit, uncaring of the fact that many of these homes are not fit for human
The Chancellor, George Osbourne, has changed the rules on pension drawdowns to make it easier for pensioners to have access to their money at retirement. The government believes that
According to a survey carried out by the National Landlords Association (NLA), 75% of landlords questioned said they would be likely to buy their next property in their local geographical area. A further 10% said they would consider buying a property within a 100-mile radius.
Landlord Vision’s latest update is now available, containing lots of new features. Our next two training videos focus on the mail merge module and the key management system: Managing Property Keys Using Mail Merge Have a look at what’s new in the recent update and don’t forget to look out for more videos in the […]
Boris Johnson officially launched the London Rental Standard (LRS) scheme yesterday, although the scheme actually went ‘live’ on Monday. Otherwise known as the ‘Boris Badge’, the LRS scheme is designed to be an accreditation scheme for so-called ‘good landlords’ in London.
According to recent research carried out by HSBC, Blackpool is one of the top four hot spots for investment property opportunities. Landlords from far and wide are flocking to property auctions in the town, determined to snap up a bargain or two before someone else does.
Experts have been warning for months of a property bubble developing in London and the southeast caused by a shortage of affordable housing in the capital and surrounding areas, which is forcing property prices ever to higher levels. Observers are hoping that new lending rules recently introduced will
Tax relief is available on furnished and unfurnished properties, which is something all landlords need to be aware of if they want to save money on their tax bill. In a recent letter to the Chartered Institute of Taxation, HMRC has decided to clarify the issues of how tax relief is claimed on fixtures and