A survey by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has revealed that 84% of private sector landlords plan to raise their rents in the wake of the Chancellor’s recent changes to the way landlords pay tax.
A survey by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has revealed that 84% of private sector landlords plan to raise their rents in the wake of the Chancellor’s recent changes to the way landlords pay tax.
Landlords now have a greater choice about where they place a tenant’s deposit. Previously, the only custodial deposit scheme was the Deposit Protection Service, as TDS and My Deposits only offered an insurance backed scheme.
A landmark case in the Midlands has led to a court issuing a Criminal Behaviour Order on a landlord, with a provision included to ensure he has to instruct a managing agent to run his portfolio of rental properties. The order will last for ten years.
Despite dire warnings was from various landlord bodies and property experts, new changes made to stamp duty rules have apparently failed to put a dent in the buy to let market.
Scottish Land & Estates has issued a warning about effects the passing of the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill will have on landlords. They are deeply concerned that the right balance between the needs of landlords and tenants has not been struck.
From yesterday, homeowners with a spare room can now earn up to £7,500 tax-free by letting it out to tenants. The threshold was increased last July and since then, figures released by SpareRoom.co.uk have revealed that the number of people letting out a room in their home (a whopping 233,697) has risen by 5.2%.
As of April 1st, tenants now have the right to ask their landlord to make their property more energy efficient. Landlords will not be able to refuse, but tenants must find a way of funding the cost of the energy efficiency improvement at no extra cost to the landlord.
The Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) is predicting that the supply of rental housing will fall once the April tax-hike takes effect. They also believe that many landlords will raise rents to counteract their increased costs.
Do you own a rental property close to a desirable school? If so, you might be able to charge a premium to parents looking to ensure their child secures a place at a top school.
Large swathes of the country were decimated by flooding over the Christmas period and many homes were devastated. As a result of the damage, the Department for Flood and Rural Affairs has been consulting on how they should best tackle the issue.
There has been much talk in the media of late about the effect George Osborne’s tax cuts and changes to stamp duty are going to have on the private rental sector. Some fear that a widespread withdrawal as landlords seek to cash in their portfolios in a bid to beat the tax hikes is almost […]
Money.co.uk is predicting a very grim future for tenants in the UK. They say that the average deposit for a rental home will rise to £1,111 within ten years. In London, deposits could reach more than £2,700. The site also predicts that landlords will soon be asking for six weeks’ rent as a deposit while […]
The Daily Mail has accused landlords of exploiting legal loopholes to rake in millions in housing benefit payments from tenants, whilst allowing them to live in sub-standard accommodation.
New research carried out by the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks (AIIC) has revealed that the average tenancy is now four years, which is a jump up from the previous average of 3.5 years.