London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has confirmed that any legal cases pursued by the London Fire Brigade (LFB) would now be included in the Rogue Landlord’s database. This confirmation came in response to a query during a Mayor’s Questions session last week.
London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has confirmed that any legal cases pursued by the London Fire Brigade (LFB) would now be included in the Rogue Landlord’s database. This confirmation came in response to a query during a Mayor’s Questions session last week.
A Liverpool landlord has been prosecuted by Liverpool council for allowing one of his properties to fall into an advanced state of decay and disrepair. The court action is part of a wider crackdown on landlords who fail to look after empty properties.
Data released by ARLA has revealed some interesting new trends related to landlords and the buy to let sector, which are unsurprising given the widespread changes the sector has undergone in the last 18-months.
New research compiled by a firm of international payments experts has labelled the UK as one of the least friendly countries for landlords. A year ago, the UK was #15 on the list. Now it is #25. Much criticised government reforms such as the abolition of mortgage interest tax relief and extra stamp duty have […]
Landlords everywhere are suffering from the increased Stamp Duty charges introduced by George Osborne when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer. However, landlords purchasing properties in the south east and London are suffering more than most.
In the UK, we don’t need to worry about hurricanes, but in other parts of the world, severe weather is commonplace. Hurricane Harvey has caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage across the southern states in the US, and with Hurricane Irma tracking its way across the Caribbean, homeowners, landlords, and tenants are about to […]
Research carried out by BDRC Continental has found that 30% of landlords have increased rents in response to government tax changes in the private rental sector. The biggest increases were in the East Midlands. Here, 41% of landlords are currently reviewing their rents. The survey also found that just over 70% of landlords reported feeling […]
Nobody enjoys paying taxes but, sadly, there are only two things that are certain in life: death and taxes. Capital Gains Tax is payable upon the sale of a rental property, but a Hampshire landlord thought he was above the law. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong. The landlord sold two rental properties between 2006 […]
Contrary to its original estimates, the so-called Landlord Tax has raised twice as much as Treasury officials originally estimated it would. Since the extra 3% Stamp Duty for landlords and homeowners investing in second or subsequent properties was introduced in April 2016, the government has raised £2 billion.
Despite many landlords claiming they will have no choice but to hike rents if they become responsible for paying letting agent fees, the Welsh Government has produced a report that says there is no reason why landlords shouldn’t be responsible for paying letting agent fees up front.
A-Level results are out and the start of another academic year is almost upon us. For student landlords all over the UK, now is a busy time, but figures released by a leading landlord insurer suggests they are getting well paid for their trouble. The insurer looked at the investment potential of all major university […]
Landlord licensing schemes are not popular with landlords, as many believe they create extra red-tape and increase landlord costs. As a result of complaints, some areas have had their requests to impose a landlord licensing scheme revoked by the Department for Communities and Local Government. However, whilst a landlord licensing scheme may not be terribly […]
A few years ago, London was a hotspot for landlord investment, but a UK finance body has published figures that suggest London’s star is fading fast. Landlord investment in the capital has fallen by over 50% in the last year. On average, there were around 2,500 properties bought with a landlord mortgage during 2014 and […]
According to one landlord, the answer is a resounding “yes”. An Oxford landlady has decided to sell up after 13 years running a profitable buy to let flat in Oxford. She has recounted her experiences in the Guardian, including some of the valuable lessons she learned during her time as a landlady in Oxford.