Many landlords don’t want to take on social housing tenants. They actively discourage tenants in receipt of Universal Credit not to apply for their properties because they don’t want to be stuck with tenants who can’t/won’t pay the rent.
Many landlords don’t want to take on social housing tenants. They actively discourage tenants in receipt of Universal Credit not to apply for their properties because they don’t want to be stuck with tenants who can’t/won’t pay the rent.
On the 5th September MPs voted on a government bill that seeks to improve the rights of the UK’s tenants. Some would argue that any improvement is great, but Labour doesn’t feel that the new draft laws go far enough. They want to add extra amendments so landlord and letting agents face even tougher penalties […]
Most landlords are law-abiding people who want to do the best job they can for their tenants, but a small minority continue to capture all the headlines and create havoc in the private rental sector.
After quizzing the landlords on its books, an online letting agent has revealed that only 5% of those surveyed described themselves as professional landlords, i.e. they owned five or more properties. The rest had another job and used buy to let to supplement their main income.
With millions of students heading to university in a few weeks, student landlords up and down the country are frantically working hard to replace mattresses, fit new appliances, and prepare their accommodation for the hordes of young people moving to uni towns and cities.
Most landlords advertise their properties online, typically using a site like Rightmove or Zoopla. Some also use social media to attract tenants. Either way, a property listing outlining all the properties features and including photos is the best way to attract a suitable tenant. Unless you are lucky enough to live in an area where […]
Most landlords have a horror story relating to a tenant who didn’t pay the rent, trashed the place, or did something equally dire. A whole host of landlords recently posted on confessions sharing app, Whisper, revealing exactly what horrifying things they had found after tenants had moved out – and in some cases, before…
Despite all the doom and gloom caused by landlord tax changes, Brexit, and probably the weather, not all landlords are throwing in the towel.
Selective licensing schemes are becoming increasingly popular. Local Authorities designate certain properties as subject to licencing.
Landlords are being invited to brush up on their fire safety skills via a free online voluntary course. The course aims to boost landlords’ knowledge of key fire safety issues and make them fully aware of their legal obligations.
Paragon, a leading buy to let mortgage provider has conducted a survey of financial services intermediaries and discovered that 65% of them believe the sector will stabilise in the next 12 months. This is the first time that confidence levels have stabilised since the 2015 announcement from George Osborne that mortgage interest tax relief would […]
A newly published report by the RICS has highlighted the scale of the problem about to hit the private rental sector. Experts predicted that many landlords would sell up as soon as government tax changes began to bite, but now it seems they are leaving in record numbers.
Following the recent increase in the Bank of England’s base rate from 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent, landlords are being urged to check their current financing arrangements. Experts are warning that…
A Liverpool landlord has been left seriously out of pocket after tenants trashed his rental property. He is now calling for the council to do more to support hard-working landlords…