There have been numerous stories in the press detailing how vulnerable tenants are struggling to cope after being switched to Universal Credit. Now, a government survey sheds further light on the problems faced by tenants and landlords.
There have been numerous stories in the press detailing how vulnerable tenants are struggling to cope after being switched to Universal Credit. Now, a government survey sheds further light on the problems faced by tenants and landlords.
A Ministry of Housing survey has revealed that landlords only earn around £15k a year. This is a far cry from the public perception of landlords. Many people assume landlords earn a fortune from letting properties out to tenants, but this data shows most landlords can’t only afford to run their property businesses part-time. Indeed, […]
The Association of Residential Letting Agents is warning that the rent controls Labour wants to introduce will worsen the current rental housing crisis. ARLA says any attempt to cap rents on rental properties will drive even more landlords out of the buy to let market.
For many years, London was the biggest buy to let hotspot in the UK. Property was expensive, but demand for rental homes was so high, landlords were queuing up to jump on the bandwagon. Then property prices went through the roof and demand stalled because tenants couldn’t afford to pay sky-high rents. Today, rental yields […]
Most of us have had our fill of hearing about Brexit. Three years on and nothing much has changed. We are still in the EU and the politicians in Westminster are still arguing over the finer details, like the backstop. All in all, there still isn’t much light at the end of the tunnel! But […]
A Daily Mail report has concluded that the government’s crackdown on buy to let landlords has forced many smaller landlords out of the market. Analysis by the Daily Mail has found that mortgage applications have fallen by 60% in the last ten years, from 183k in 2007, to less than 70k in 2018. Landlords are […]
New licensing laws in Preston could affect thousands more landlords. Up to 4,000 more properties now fall under the umbrella of Preston City Council’s HMO licensing laws. If landlords of these properties fail to apply for an HMO licence, they face unlimited fines. They could also be banned from operating rental properties in the future.
A shocking investigation by the Guardian has exposed the ineffective regulations hampering the fight against rogue landlords in the private rental sector. It’s business as usual for one notorious rogue landlord. Bernard McGowan has been convicted of numerous property offences, yet he is still running a very lucrative buy to let property empire. Astonishingly, McGowan […]
A Hull landlord is tearing his hair out because he can’t get rid of his tenant. He is desperate to evict the mother-of-five, but he’s tried everything and, so far, she hasn’t gone anywhere. Meanwhile, the property is sustaining more and more damage.
The Housing Minister has announced that more than 50 local authorities are being given access to a £2.4 million pot of cash to help them tackle the scourge of rogue landlords. It’s not a whole lot per council – only £48,000 each – but it’s better than nothing.
Universal credit has been highly controversial since it was first introduced back in 2013. On paper, it sounded like a good idea. Rolling individual benefits up into one single payment cuts red tape and makes it easier for benefits claimants to apply. However, in practice, it has caused a issues for the government – and […]
New research published by the National Landlords Association has revealed that many landlords are struggling to keep their heads above water. NLA research indicates around 79% of landlords are finding it impossible to pay more than the interest in their buy to let mortgages. They say this is down to the rising costs of being […]
Research carried out by Hamptons has found that the number of overseas landlords owning and operating buy to let properties in the UK has halved since 2010. Eight years ago, 14.4% of landlords in the private rental sector were living overseas. Now, overseas landlords only account for 5.8% of the PRS.
It’s Christmas so we made a fun, light-hearted quiz. Are you a grumpy Christmas landlord? Or are you the embodiment of Christmas spirit? Before sharing this quiz, everyone at Landlord Vision tried it out – you don’t see quizzes that often in our line of work – not one of us got Cheerful Christmas landlord! […]