So, we’re here again, another month another newsletter article. What do I write? Simple, I open my pre-prepared list of ideas, choose the one I think is most meaningful for this month, and start typing words onto the page…
So, we’re here again, another month another newsletter article. What do I write? Simple, I open my pre-prepared list of ideas, choose the one I think is most meaningful for this month, and start typing words onto the page…
The COVID-19 pandemic is understandably causing a lot of people significant stress right now. From concerns over vulnerable relatives and the potential loss of work to panic buying and stripped supermarket shelves, these are uncertain times. But one landlord’s kind action has prompted thousands of people to share messages of support using the hashtag #ThankyouMrLandlord.
The Residential Landlords Association is warning landlords that many tenants are living in their overdrafts. With the new FCA rules on overdraft fees coming into effect in April, it’s likely that many tenants will slide further into debt – which could impact their ability to pay the rent on time.
The RLA has helped a landlord win his case against a local authority that rejected a Housing Benefit claim by his elderly mother, the tenant.
Not all tenants live in the private rental sector out of necessity. Some people would rather rent a home than buy one. Where tenants live in the private rental sector by choice it’s usually because it makes sense for their lifestyle at that time.
In 2012, there were 2.58 million private landlords. By 2017, the number had risen to 2.88 million, as more people bought into private rental housing in a bid to make extra money and shore up their retirement income. But thanks to government tax changes, this number dropped to 2.66 million in 2019. Does this data […]
New research commissioned by the Telegraph has found that rising property maintenance costs are crippling many landlords, forcing them to leave the buy to let sector or target more profitable tenants.
Research carried out by an energy provider switching site has revealed that 250k landlords in the UK could be in breach of the minimum energy efficiency standards when April 1 2020 comes around. If they are, they risk being fined up to £5,000.
Research data published by the 2018-19 English Housing Survey has revealed that tenant demographics are changing. Many landlords assume that the vast majority of tenants fall in the under 30 age group, as these are the people who can’t afford to buy. However, the stats indicate that there has been a sharp rise in the […]
We hear a lot about rogue landlords in the press, but not so much about rogue tenants. Don’t let this lull you into a false sense of security! There are some shocking stories of rogue tenants out there, some of which are so stomach-churning that your breakfast could be in jeopardy…
In England, it takes a landlord 17 weeks, on average, to evict a tenant – that’s 119 days. North of the border, things are a lot different.
100 councils across England have been given a share of a £4m pot of cash, to help them tackle issues brought by rogue landlords in their boroughs. Some of this money will be invested in new technology, such as smartphone apps.
Legislation capping tenants’ deposits has led to a festive bonus for some tenants in the UK. Now that deposits are capped at five weeks’ worth of rent, tenants are receiving a rebate when they come to renew their tenancy.
2019 has been a difficult year for landlords. The continued loss of mortgage interest tax relief, as well as the introduction of Making Tax Digital, have not helped instil a sense of confidence in the private rental sector. As a result, many landlords are predicting more doom and gloom ahead…