The government has drafted a voluntary code of conduct designed to offer protection to hard-hit commercial tenants, but critics say the plan is “toothless” and it won’t protect tenants from aggressive landlords.
The government has drafted a voluntary code of conduct designed to offer protection to hard-hit commercial tenants, but critics say the plan is “toothless” and it won’t protect tenants from aggressive landlords.
There is a lot to think about when you first start renting out property. From protecting deposits to checking-in your new tenants. It’s hardly surprising that some inexperienced landlords make mistakes or neglect to tick all the boxes. Now that the restrictions preventing people from moving house have been lifted, there is likely to be […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the economy and caused havoc to so many people, and the private rental sector is no exception.
An online letting agent is calling on landlords to pass on their savings from a mortgage holiday to their tenants. The agent says landlords should not expect cash-strapped tenants to pay off their rent arrears and they should be willing to offer rent cuts during the Covid-19 crisis.
The London Renter’s Union is calling on tenants to stop paying their rent if they are struggling financially due to Covid-19. Their campaign follows hot on the heels of action taken by renters in other parts of the UK and abroad.
Times are tough for landlords and tenants right now. Huge numbers of people have lost their jobs or had their hours cut, which has made it very difficult for tenants to pay their rent. There is help in place for landlords with mortgages, as lenders have agreed to offer temporary payment holidays for anyone experiencing […]
Data published by a leading estate agent shows how much the buy to let sector has changed in the last three years. As predicted by many experts, a large number of smaller landlords have left the sector and there are now around 160k fewer rental properties.
Tower Quay properties who look after more than 100 properties for millionaire John Christodoulou have refused rent reductions for tenants. The block in east London is home to more than 100 tenants, all of whom sent a letter to the managing agent, requesting a reasonable 20% rent reduction because of the pandemic. However, Tower Quay […]
It’s difficult to stay up to date with the latest news and legislation at the best of times, but during the coronavirus epidemic things change quickly and with very little notice. Luckily there are plenty of places Landlords can go to keep on top of everything. In this post we’ll share the top coronavirus information […]
Coventry City Council has come under fire from the National Residential Landlords Association after pushing ahead with a landlord licencing scheme for HMO properties. The NRLA says the scheme is in direct contravention of the government’s guidelines, which state councils should not implement non-mandatory licencing schemes while the pandemic is ongoing.
Retail tenants in a major shopping centre in London were shocked to receive a blunt warning from their landlord. It said in no uncertain terms: pay your rent or the next step is court. Before Covid-19 struck, commercial landlords considered court action as a last resort, only done when all other steps to recover the […]
Commercial landlords are accusing tenants in the retail and hospitality sectors of deliberately withholding rent to save money while they navigate the stormy waters of the current coronavirus crisis. Many landlords are now threatening legal action in a bid to recover the outstanding rental payments.
The UK is a very different place since coronavirus struck. Businesses have gone bust and a lot of people are out of work. The government has been forced to pull a few rabbits out of the hat to try and prevent economic catastrophe. These measures have included plans to help landlords and people living in […]
The press is full of negative news right now, but like a shining ray of hope, we have come across some lovely stories of kind-hearted landlords willing to put their own needs aside to help their tenants.