When the Labour Party’s Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law later this year, all fixed-term assured tenancies will automatically become rolling periodic tenancies.
When the Labour Party’s Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law later this year, all fixed-term assured tenancies will automatically become rolling periodic tenancies.
Rent Repayment Orders (RROs) are becoming increasingly common and will soon gain more power when the Renters’ Rights Bill becomes law.
As the Renters Rights Bill enters the House of Lords (next at committee stage) its fairly safe to assume that no major changes will be made and therefore for us all to plan for the near future when there will be so many changes.
Do your rental properties meet the criteria to be classed as ‘decent’ homes? Most landlords would like to think so! However, a government consultation on the private rented sector (PRS) found that 21% of properties currently do not meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standard.
The start of a new year is a great time to set goals and prepare for the year ahead. If expanding your property portfolio is top of your list this year, we’re here to help you make informed investment decisions.
Article 4 The latest reading of the Renters Rights bill in the Commons took place on 14th January
The New Year is a good time to put pen to paper, set goals, and create a plan for the year ahead.
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the New Year ahead.
Before I begin the update I would like us to Remember a young lady who died tragically doing something most of us do without thinking.
Let’s begin by getting the name right. The Renters Reform Bill did not complete its passage through parliament before the general election and therefore it no longer exists. The Labour government immediately introduced its version and called it the Renters Rights Bill which is on its way and will have the second reading in the […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is shaking things up for landlords and property managers everywhere. It’s weaving its way into almost every aspect of property management—from tenant screening to property maintenance—saving time and boosting performance along the way. Because AI technology has developed so quickly and new tools are constantly emerging, many landlords are not yet […]
Oh yes, it’s that time again and once again, we’ve been busy. This month we will be looking at invoices that are due in the future.
Student accommodation can be a lucrative investment. However, renting to students does come with its own unique set of challenges, with noise complaints often topping the list.
You may or may not have seen it, but we had a big update on the 10th June 2024. All of them are legacy features so if you are a user of the older software, you will probably be familiar with these. Here is a quick overview of all of the features that went live […]