As a landlord, ensuring the efficiency and performance of your boiler system is paramount. A well-functioning boiler not only keeps your tenants comfortable but also saves you money in the long run.
As a landlord, ensuring the efficiency and performance of your boiler system is paramount. A well-functioning boiler not only keeps your tenants comfortable but also saves you money in the long run.
Property auctions hold a unique and special place in the minds of many would-be landlords and property investors. Popularised by shows such as “Under The Hammer”, many people conceive property auctions as intimidating bull-pens where fortunes are won and lost in mere moments.
Tenancy deposits act as a safety net for landlords, providing financial protection when tenants breach their tenancy agreements. Without this protection, landlords could find themselves out of pocket if a tenant stops paying rent or causes malicious damage to their property.
Managing student properties is no easy task, with student landlords often required to juggle multiple responsibilities. While it can certainly be a full-time job, it can also be very rewarding both financially and in terms of the satisfaction that comes from performing the job well.
I am writing this the day following the shock announcement that interests rates are rising again, the 13th rise in a row, to 5%.
Every landlord’s dream is to have high quality leads without the need for time-consuming meetings with unqualified prospects. But the dream can be a reality with smart digital marketing and harnessing the power of local SEO.
Got a property inspection due? Do you dive in with confidence or drag your feet? If you’re leaning towards the latter, a fresh perspective and new approach could make all the difference.
The UK’s rental landscape is evolving as more landlords branch out into short-term lets.
Build-to-rent schemes are fast emerging as an attractive investment avenue for property developers and institutional investors.
Location, location, location. This phrase is often used in the property market to emphasise the power a property’s location has in influencing its value (and potential profitability if you’re a landlord.)
As we know, the government is under pressure from tenant support groups. Following a “disappointing result” in the recent local elections, we have seen the government cancel the proposed changes to Leasehold legislation and hold back on the publication of the Renters Reform Bill. The truth is, that these have the potential to decide the […]
For landlords and tenants alike, fair wear and tear is perhaps one of the most contentious and misunderstood areas of letting out a property. Underpinning the discord between parties are the raw feelings of what is considered ‘fair’ and ‘just’ when returning a property after a protracted tenancy.
Craig has been a landlord for 8 years and uses Landlord Vision to manage his property portfolio.
Managing your properties is a huge part of being a landlord. Aside from the governmental red tape, you have tenants to look after, finances to keep on top of, various expiring certificates and insurance to be aware of and more besides.