In rental properties, the landlord and the tenant share a mutual responsibility for maintaining the property’s condition to ensure it is a safe and comfortable place to live.
In rental properties, the landlord and the tenant share a mutual responsibility for maintaining the property’s condition to ensure it is a safe and comfortable place to live.
The environment is, understandably, a high priority for many people these days. With new regulations on the horizon and shifting attitudes towards sustainability and the UK’s net zero targets, now is the time to evaluate your properties and make changes to become a greener landlord.
Setting the right rental price for your buy-to-let plays an important role in both finding and retaining tenants and maximising your investment’s profitability.
As the student housing crisis intensifies and interest rates continue climbing, the current landscape for student property investment is confusing for prospective landlords.
If you’re contemplating the legality of changing the locks on your rental property, the answer isn’t black and white. It depends on your motivations for changing them and whether you’ve notified your tenants.
Property investment can sometimes be a bit of a lonely pursuit. We landlords can often be solitary creatures and despite all of the third-party advisors and property influencers out there, it can be difficult to find honest and experienced landlords who can speak openly about their own experiences. Such conversations can be imperative, as they […]
Starting out as a buy-to-let landlord can be daunting. There’s lots of legal requirements, red tape, and a long list of things to get done before your tenant so much as moves in. Don’t be fooled, however, if you’re a seasoned landlord, nobody is safe from these common mistakes.
Determining whether you need a license for your UK rental property isn’t always straightforward, as different areas of the country have different rules.
It’s one of those scenarios that landlords dread: an unexpected phone call, email or text from a tenant to deliver news of unwanted guests. Sometimes they’re furry; some have wings; while others are creepy and crawly. They can be really unpleasant and affect people’s health and happiness.
The boiler in your buy-to-let is more than just another appliance. It is essential for creating a safe and comfortable living environment for tenants. Considering boilers are among the most expensive appliances in a buy-to-let, it is also in the landlord’s best interests to know how to maintain it properly.
The Renters Reform Bill will revoke a landlord’s right to reclaim their property and evict tenants using a Section 21 notice.
With the increase in demand for renewable energy and sustainable living, solar panel installations have become a smart investment for landlords. Not only do solar panels offer financial benefits, but they also contribute to a greener future.
Short-term rentals have gained tremendous popularity in the United Kingdom. More travellers prefer the comfort and convenience of staying in a well-equipped home rather than traditional accommodation options.
Now that the House of Commons is in summer recess until 4th September, there will be no updates on outstanding Bills or introductions of new Bills. It’s time to check if any changes or updates to our administration are necessary.