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Advice for landlords category

cardboard cut out of house with pencil and notebook

A Start of Tenancy Checklist: Before Finding Your Tenants

There is a lot for landlords to remember when taking on a new tenant and starting a tenancy. If you don’t hold to your legal obligations when starting a tenancy, you can be fined, prosecuted and prevented from serving your tenant a Section 21 Notice at the end of a tenancy. This 4 part blog series will break […]

By 6 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to REITs

Properties can make a fantastic investment. As an asset class, they have a long list of attractive characteristics. Whether it is their tangible nature, long-term track record, income production, or ability to utilise leverage, there is certainly something of appeal for everyone. However, property investment does come with one glaring barrier to entry: significant start-up […]

By 8 min read

4 Niche Property Investment Strategies You Need to Know About

There are so many niche strategies open to you when it comes to property investing, here we’ll cover some of the more popular niches. This list isn’t exhaustive as there are probably as many different types of property strategy as there are property! But here we’ll look at some of the more common and relevant […]

By 4 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to Redecorating

In a recent poll, the National Association of Residential Landlords (NRLA) surveyed 162 of its members to determine how many were unashamed DIY-ers. Of those that responded, a substantial 86 percent admitted to undertaking some form of decorating or repair work on their properties, with only 14 percent relying exclusively on professionals. 

By 9 min read

Property Investment Strategies – HMOs & Students 

Similar to but definitely not the same as Self Contained Units, HMOs seem to be where the yields are at these days. This isn’t a strategy for the faint of heart though. For most people HMOs conjure the image of students, but this kind of living arrangement is becoming a lot more popular with different demographics as you’ll soon […]

By 10 min read

How to Waste Less Time on Your Property Management

Time is a finite resource, so it’s no wonder that saving time is a huge concern for anyone trying to achieve complicated things… like growing a property portfolio.   Given that there’s a huge amount of legislation to navigate, tenants to manage, paper trails to keep track of, it makes sense that landlords are always on the […]

By 11 min read

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Property Investment Strategies – Office to Residential 

Affectionately known as the office to resi conversion, thanks to some new legislation aimed at breathing life back into ailing business districts it is now easier than ever to take advantage of this strategy. But as with all things of this ilk, thanks to a few people abusing the strategy, it’s likely to be more regulated in the […]

By 6 min read
.Family life insurance, protecting family, family concepts.

Why Do Tenants Need More Protection?

Back in the 70’s, when I first became a landlord, I didn’t tell anyone. There wasn’t the publicity that there is now and of course no social media, but it was generally  assumed that landlords were not “nice people”. In those days there was no Section 8 or Section 21, and legally removing a delinquent tenant was […]

By 8 min read
a keyboard and notepad on desk

The Best Property Management Courses You Can Take In 2021

According to Investopedia, property management is the daily oversight of residential, commercial, or industrial real estate by a third-party contractor. Property managers take responsibility for the general upkeep and maintenance of properties, including day-to-day repairs and security issues.

By 3 min read

Property Investment Strategies – Flipping

A few years back this strategy was all the rage among property afficionados, but recently stories of the thousands made flipping properties have widely diminished. For various reasons the government has been keen to make this strategy more difficult for property investors, but it hasn’t lost its relevance all together. Flipping is still a good […]

By 7 min read
Dream beach house concept

Property Investment Strategies – Short Term Lets

Holiday and short-term lets or serviced accommodation are virtually the same model, but they may be used for different purposes. They can be an attractive proposition if your property is in an area that is conducive to it, think close to tourist attractions or areas that contain the offices of international businesses. This kind of strategy […]

By 5 min read

Property Investment Strategies – Commercial Properties

In this the third part of our 8-part strategy series we’re going to be looking at the pros and cons of investing in commercial properties and what it takes to be successful with a commercial strategy.  

By 3 min read
Seedling and saving concept by human hand, Human seeding coins in soil for growing money.

The Misconception of Property as a Passive Investment

It surprises me that, despite all the media stories, discussions on Facebook Property groups, blogs like this one and discussion fora, people still see becoming a landlord as “a bit on the side”. They come into the business with little or no knowledge of the legislation and regulation which surrounds the industry. They often consequently have […]

By 10 min read

Landlord’s Rights and Responsibilities in HMOs

As a landlord, it can be confusing to know what your rights and responsibilities are at the best of times, but it can be especially difficult with HMOs (house in multiple occupation), as you have to manage multiple tenants. 

By 5 min read

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