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Advice for landlords category

tablet taking photos of property

Top Tips for Creating Eye Catching Rental Property Adverts

In this post, you’ll learn how to create an eye catching rental advert that includes everything your tenant needs to know. We’re also covering how to make the most of photos to advertise your property.

By 6 min read

Guide to Property Investment Research: Growing Areas, Demographics and Property History

In this post, we’re sharing some tips and resources that you will need before investing in property. These tips will guide you when conducting property research. We will take you through how to identify growing areas, how to assess area demographics, and how to research the history of a property. 

By 9 min read

How Do House Prices Respond to Inflation? 

In investing circles, it is a broadly accepted rule that property, that is houses, provides a great hedge against inflation. Simply, this means that property is great at protecting your money and its purchasing power from the damaging and erosive effects of inflation. In some ways, this is due to property being a tangible or […]

By 6 min read

How an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Affects Your Rental Property

If you’re buying, selling or renting a home in the UK, then you’ll have to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for your property. Wondering what an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is? We’ve got you covered!  

By 6 min read

Four Smart Technologies to Help Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Property

Being a landlord can mean looking after a range of properties, and having to be prepared for questions that may come at you from all angles. With the number of people living in rented accommodation on the rise, as well as the cost of living going up, renters are looking out to make sure that […]

By 4 min read
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Why Landlords Should be Working in the Cloud

Some people hate the cloud. There, we said it. The reasons for this range from not understanding what the cloud is to being concerned about the safety of your data right through to the extra expenses that can sometimes be attached to this way of working. However, all things considered, there are far more pros to […]

By 9 min read

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How to Reduce The Wear and Tear of a Rental Property

No matter what the property type, a certain amount of wear and tear is unavoidable. Every home has a lifespan and the more tenants you have over time, the more fragile and lived-in it will become. However, there are ways to protect your rental property and reduce the effects of everyday wear and tear.  

By 4 min read

A Guide to Renting Out a Property as a Holiday Let

Short-term holiday lets can be an attractive option if you own a property somewhere scenic and/or popular with tourists. In fact, holiday lets can be amazingly profitable, as landlords are able to charge higher rents for short-term holiday lets when a property is in a highly desirable location.

By 19 min read

Guide to Property Investment Research: House Prices, Average Rents and Rental Demand

In this post, we’re sharing some tips and resources that you will need to conduct thorough property research. We will take you through how to assess house prices, average rents, rental demand, and rental yields. 

By 7 min read
renovating a house

Buying a Property to Renovate: Pros, Cons, and Considerations

Buying a fixer-upper certainly presents an opportunity to make a short-term profit on a property. Still, depending on the scope of renovations required, it isn’t necessarily for the faint-hearted.

By 5 min read
fire break glass

Everything Landlords Need to Know About Smoke & Fire Alarm Requirements

Landlords throughout the UK have an obligation to ensure that their properties are safe and in good repair. Perhaps the most important obligation for landlords is to ensure that properties are compliant with the latest fire safety guidance.  Despite the number of fire fatalities having reduced significantly over the past decades, there are approximately 37,000 […]

By 4 min read

Replacing Fixtures and Fittings in your Investment Rental Property

This post will help you to understand what is meant by the term fixtures and fittings and when you can offset the replacement of them against your income tax.  

By 3 min read
man fixing gas

Gas Safety During Property Improvements: Everything You Need To Know

Home improvements allow you to enhance the practicality of your property as well as the look and feel. When carrying out home improvements, there are certain things you should be aware of to help you avoid problems along the way. For example, it can be easy to forget about gas safety measures, but gas safety […]

By 4 min read
Rear view of young brunette female sitting on white chair in front of computer monitor while looking throguh collection of photos

What Do Tenants Want in 2022?

Property investment is a landscape that constantly shifts. There are so many moving parts impacting future decisions that it’s important to get the fundamentals right early on. In this guest post, we take a look at one of the first things investors need to consider when choosing a property. This, of course, is what the tenants wants from the rental property. 

By 3 min read

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