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Advice for landlords category

The Lessons of Using Letting Agents

One of the most impressive features of the private rental sector is the sheer breadth and scale of the type of landlords that make up the British rental market. From active retirees to passive 20-year-olds. From educated doctors to industrious trades people. No two landlords are the same. As a result, there is a huge […]

By 6 min read
hand holding smart phone with property apps

20 Best Landlord Apps for 2022

Ah, technology. Love it or loathe it, technology has revolutionised our lives in so many ways. From cute cat videos to mobile banking, most of us can’t manage without some kind of daily smartphone fix.

By 10 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to 2022

Whilst it certainly came with its challenges, 2021 provided a lot for landlords to be thankful for. Not least the fact that house prices increased by 9.8% over the course of the year, equivalent to an average increase of £24,500. It wasn’t just house prices which rose last year, rents have been rising at the fastest […]

By 10 min read
spreadsheet being used by landlord

Should You Use Spreadsheets for Property Management?

Ah, spreadsheets. Love them or hate them, spreadsheets are surprisingly useful. Most people never truly get to grips with the many sophisticated things a spreadsheet can do, such as pivot tables, power queries, macros, and simulations. To be honest, though, unless you are the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it’s unlikely you’ll need all but the […]

By 9 min read
The man pushes down the tower of cubes with the word Taxes on the figure of the house. Heavy tax burden, lack of liquidity of assets and real estate. Tax breaks, relief, loopholes in laws. Declaration

Private Letting Relief for Landlords

If you sold a property before 6th April 2020, and rented out the property for part of the period of your ownership, then it is likely you were eligible for private letting relief. 

By 6 min read
Housing, property or real estate or mortgage payment concept, miniature house with red roof on the end of month 31th date white clean calendar.

The Seasonal Calendar of Home Selling

Each year we cycle through four seasons, putting up with freezing rain for weeks, and later making the most of the sunshine and heat. But many of us fail to realise that the property market gets affected by changing seasons too.  

By 4 min read

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A Start of Tenancy Checklist: After Your Tenants Move In

For the fourth and final instalment of ‘A Start of Tenancy Checklist’, this section will list what you need to do once your tenants have moved in.  

By 6 min read
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The Best Bank Accounts for Landlords in 2022

Whether it is in business or in life, the ability to manage one’s finances is a key requirement on the path to financial success. Landlords can appreciate this fact more than most. Regular mortgage payments and numerous expected and unexpected costs necessitate that landlords be on top of their cashflow. As such, it is important to ensure that you […]

By 11 min read

How to Do Your Bookkeeping Effectively as a Landlord

Good bookkeeping is as important for landlords as it is for any other business owner. Without thorough, accurate financial records, you can’t possibly build up a realistic overview of what’s happening in your business. It’s essential for monitoring performance, planning ahead to manage your cash flow, and dealing with the challenges of HMRC. 

By 3 min read
cardboard cut out of house with pencil and notebook

A Start of Tenancy Checklist: Before Your Tenants Move In

So, we’ve previously looked at what you should do before finding and accepting a tenant to live in your rental property. In this post we’re going to be listing all of the things you need to do before you hand over those keys and your tenant officially moves in.  

By 7 min read
cardboard cut out of house with pencil and notebook

A Start of Tenancy Checklist: Before Accepting Your Tenants

So, we’ve looked at what you should do before finding a tenant to live in your rental property. In this post we’re going delving into a checklist of things you need to do in between finding a tenant and accepting them.  

By 3 min read

How to Handle Disputes with Tenants

When deciding to rent out your property it can be easy to imagine that your future tenants will be noble custodians, diligently looking after the space, paying rent on time and being respectful to neighbours and the environment.  

By 4 min read

The Buyers Guide to Freehold Flats

Looking to buy a freehold flat? There can be a lot to think about when it comes to these kinds of properties, so making sure you know what you’re buying before you put down any money is vital. 

By 4 min read

Financing the Future: Seizing Opportunities in Interesting Times

2021 has been an unpredictable and volatile year for many British industries. Yet the housing market has boomed throughout the chaos caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Housing prices have skyrocketed to a record high of £262,956 as of August. As a result, what property investors are looking for in their properties of choice has […]

By 5 min read

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