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Advice for landlords category

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Tools and Property Management Systems for Self-Managing Landlords

It is safe to say that every self-managing landlord has a system to help them keep on top of their property business. Popular tools range from paper-based systems, through to software, access databases, spreadsheets, or a mix of these. In this post, we’re going to look at the most common management methods used by landlords […]

By 5 min read

Stay Alert: Why Landlords Need to be More Guarded about Online Security

Almost all landlords now work with online systems one way or another. Whether you have your own website, you email your tenants, or you simply store all of the relevant information on a computer or device connected to the internet, the majority of administrative work can be considered to be ‘online’. Such a reliance on […]

By 4 min read
small house in hand

How to Run Your Rental Properties as a Business 

Self-management of a rental property requires excellent organisation and one of the best ways to achieve this is to run your properties like a business.  

By 7 min read
cardboard cut out of house

Self-managing Your Property Business vs. Using a Letting Agent

Should you self-manage or use a letting agent? This is a question that many landlords ask as they’re starting out.   Self-management means not using the services of a letting agent or property manager. The self-managing landlord does all the work themselves. There are some clear advantages to this strategy, particularly when it comes to costs.   

By 8 min read
Home model put near Lease or Rental agreement document and laptop with copy space, real estate Business for buy , loan or investment concept

A Guide to Section 20 Consultation for Private Sector Landlords

There are an estimated 5 million leasehold homes in the UK, and many of the leaseholders occupying these homes will be liable for service charges. 

By 5 min read
street of houses

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Online Conveyancing for Landlords

In this guest post we’re going to explore the benefits and drawbacks of online conveyancing for landlords to help you make informed decisions about your property projects. 

By 5 min read

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Property Investment – How to Become Mortgage Ready

When you want to take out a mortgage on a home you wish to rent out, there’s a bit more to consider than on a standard residential mortgage. Whether you’re a new landlord looking for your first buy to let mortgage, or an existing landlord wanting to expand your portfolio, there are some key things […]

By 5 min read
man sat on the beach in a suit

Choosing the Right Software for Your Property Business

If you’re a landlord operating a property business, you’ll know things can get tricky quite quickly. You need to be able to stay on top of multiple communications with various people, and record all your expenses, property information, income, rent payments, and more. While many landlords have used manual systems to help them keep on […]

By 9 min read

How to Create a Reliable Tenancy Agreement

Landlords renting out property need to make sure that they have a robust tenancy agreement in place regardless of the tenancy type. Tenancy agreements are usually quite long and difficult to put together if you’re doing it from scratch. It can be tempting to use a standard template that you never change, but this can […]

By 12 min read
shower head over legionella

A Landlord’s Guide to Legionella in Rental Properties

In the UK, landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of tenants by keeping their properties safe and free from health hazards. This responsibility extends to the management and prevention of Legionella in properties.

By 3 min read

Marketing a Rental Property: Which Marketing Channels Should You Use?

So, you’ve got a rental property that’s in need of tenants. The first question on your mind is probably where are you going to find them? 

By 9 min read

How Landlords can get Smarter with Property Investment in 2022 and Beyond

There is a long-held misconception that renting out property is a passive investment. But, like everything else, property management became more complicated quite quickly. Like any other investment, property has to be carefully managed if you want to get the most out of it.  

By 7 min read

Using Social Media Channels to Find Tenants for your Rental Property 

Social media is easy to use and doesn’t require much in the way of setup. If you have existing accounts, you may find it easier to get started. You can buy a social media channel complete with followers, but we wouldn’t recommend that for an average landlord and the pros and cons of this approach […]

By 12 min read
tablet taking photos of property

Top Tips for Creating Eye Catching Rental Property Adverts

In this post, you’ll learn how to create an eye catching rental advert that includes everything your tenant needs to know. We’re also covering how to make the most of photos to advertise your property.

By 6 min read

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