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Advice for landlords category


How To Use Video to Market Rental Properties and Why You Must

The rental property market in the UK has not only grown exponentially in size over the past years, but it has also recently become a fast-moving sector where properties are snapped up as soon as they are released onto the market. With demand for rental flats and houses outstripping supply, would-be renters are fully aware […]

By 5 min read

Technology’s Growing Influence on Buy-to-let Landlords

Large businesses and organisations have been able to streamline their operations by implementing technology into their workflows and structure for many years. Once seen as a huge investment to overhaul archaic systems, most modern businesses now begin life as tech-savvy enterprises. Whether that’s using software to manage their workflows and finances or to maintain contact […]

By 4 min read

What Landlords Should Know About Evictions When Selling Their Properties

There has been a mood change among landlords in recent weeks, where once we were fundamentally an optimistic group many are now becoming very pessimistic, and the media aren’t helping.

By 9 min read

Step by Step Guide to Getting Started with Property Self-management 

If you’re considering self-managing your property business, a good place to start is to understand exactly what might be expected from you on a day to day basis. In this post, we’re going to look at the typical step by step management of a property from what to do before you find a tenant right […]

By 12 min read

A Landlord’s Guide To Permitted Development 

As the government continues to squeeze landlords and force many out of the market, it is becoming increasingly evident that landlords seeking to generate sufficient returns need to find ways of adding value. Such value can come from less tangible actions, such as an understanding of the market, knowledge of infrastructure spending or tasteful décor, […]

By 7 min read

Who is Responsible – Landlord or Tenant? 5 Common Property Questions Answered

We all know that being a residential landlord is a big responsibility. Whether you’re new to BTL or have an established rental portfolio to manage, it’s important that you understand your legal responsibilities to protect both yourself and your tenants. 

By 4 min read

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The Different Options for Buying a Property (and the Tax Implications) 

As an existing or prospective landlord, there are three main options available when it comes to buying property.   You can either: 

By 6 min read
Captain Hindsight – Lessons I Have Learned as a Landlord featured image

Captain Hindsight – Lessons I Have Learned as a Landlord 

Over five years ago, I took my first tentative steps toward becoming a landlord. Like many, I was captivated by the prospect of a secure, passive income and a healthy retirement fund that would support me in my future years. What is more, how hard could it really be? There are countless books, videos, and […]

By 10 min read

What are the Costs of Managing Your Own Rental Property Business 

Self-management of your property business is as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. In loose financial terms, it is down to the level of your knowledge and the systems you want to use to manage your properties. As we’ll learn in this post though, the costs of self-management go beyond money.   

By 5 min read
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Top Tips and Courses to Become Successful in Property Management 

Aside from the daily management of your property business that you’ll always be doing, at some point you’ll want to explore how to grow. Business growth is a part of running a property business that is most often overlooked by letting agents.  

By 4 min read

What Do Landlords Fear Most? Prepare for the Worst and Hope for the Best

A gloom has descended over the landlord community, it began when we were treated like no other business and had the interest on business loans/mortgages (which amount to the same thing in our business) excluded from tax exemption – known as Section 24 because it is Section 24 of the Finance Act 2017. 

By 9 min read
A money bank on a beach representing saving for short term rental properties

Tips for Financing Your First Short-term Property Rental

Short-term vacation rentals are a great way to boost your income and with regular bookings, a holiday property can even outperform a standard rental property. 

By 4 min read

Make Your Rental Property Even More Profitable with these 9 Perfect Features

In 2022, people are more focused on at-home living than they were pre-pandemic. The surge of remote workers combined with general social anxiety has meant that people are much more interested in properties that can meet their comfortable homebody needs.  

By 4 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to The Renter’s Reform Bill

On the 16th of June 2022, the government released its long-awaited white paper on rental reform in the UK, titled ‘A Fairer Private Rented Sector’. The report is arguably one of the biggest shake-ups to the private rental sector in over 30 years, advocating wholesale changes to the structure of tenancy agreements, eviction rights and […]

By 6 min read

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