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Avatar - Mary Latham
Mary has been a self-managing landlord since 1972 and until July 2018 she was the West Midlands Regional Representative for the NLA. Over the years Mary has been consulted by government, local authorities and other groups within the housing industry and is well known for her in-depth knowledge of legislation and regulation. She continues to run regular landlord accreditation seminars on behalf of local authorities. Mary regularly contributes to the Landlord Vision newsletter and blog providing our readers with valuable, down to earth and realistic insights into the key issues that keep landlords awake at night.
Rent, Eviction and other assorted bad economic news headlines

How Do I Evict a Bad Tenant?

One of the many unfortunate consequences of Lockdown has been an increase in both Anti Social Behaviour and rent arrears in private rented property. Most of us realised early on that some tenants would struggle to pay their rent and that some tenants would take the opportunity to withhold rent despite the fact that they […]

By 8 min read
stay at home due coronavirus, Covid-19 global pandemic. Self isolation to reduce the spread of viruses. Vector illustration. Abstract low poly wireframe mesh design.

Covid-19 Will You Survive the Aftershocks? Part 2

On the road to recovery:

By 9 min read
stay at home due coronavirus, Covid-19 global pandemic. Self isolation to reduce the spread of viruses. Vector illustration. Abstract low poly wireframe mesh design.

COVID-19 Will You Survive the Aftershocks? Part 1

I am focusing on the impact to property investors while at the same time acknowledging the dreadful loss of lives and heartache that many people will be dealing with. “History shows that there are two things we can be sure of when it comes to financial crises: there will be another one, and the next […]

By 9 min read

Will Landlords Survive Covid-19?

 “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference”.  – Reinhold Niebuhr When the crisis passes, and it will, we will all need to pick up the pieces and put our businesses back together.  There are some things that […]

By 9 min read

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