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Avatar - Kat Black
Kat oversees marketing for Landlord Vision and so she curates, writes and edits posts for the blog, she has a wealth of experience in business and project management. Kat has plenty of hands on property experience too, she has worked in property insurance for 8 years and has helped her parents to grow a profitable portfolio.

6 Alternatives to Go Tenant Software: Tailored Solutions for UK Property Investors

A hand reaching up to touch a digital property symbolising property management software

By 10 min read

A Guide to the New Version of Landlord Vision for Existing Customers

Over the last few months, you may have seen us hinting at a large project going on at Landlord Vision, but now we’ve finally started talking about it out loud! We’ve got a new version of Landlord Vision. So, we’d like to take this opportunity to tell you more about the new version and what […]

By 3 min read

How Much Should Landlords Pay for Property Management? 

Managing your properties is a huge part of being a landlord. Aside from the governmental red tape, you have tenants to look after, finances to keep on top of, various expiring certificates and insurance to be aware of and more besides. 

By 9 min read

Decorating a Tenanted Property – What Landlords Should Know 

Decorating can be a nightmare at the best of times. If you’re a homeowner, you’ll be no stranger to figuring out what to do with a room full of furniture and spending twice the time prepping surfaces than actually painting them.   If you’re a landlord, it’s tempting to wait until your properties are empty before […]

By 6 min read

What are the Costs of Managing Your Own Rental Property Business 

Self-management of your property business is as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. In loose financial terms, it is down to the level of your knowledge and the systems you want to use to manage your properties. As we’ll learn in this post though, the costs of self-management go beyond money.   

By 5 min read

How Landlords can get Smarter with Property Investment in 2022 and Beyond

There is a long-held misconception that renting out property is a passive investment. But, like everything else, property management became more complicated quite quickly. Like any other investment, property has to be carefully managed if you want to get the most out of it.  

By 7 min read

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Why Landlords Should be Working in the Cloud

Some people hate the cloud. There, we said it. The reasons for this range from not understanding what the cloud is to being concerned about the safety of your data right through to the extra expenses that can sometimes be attached to this way of working. However, all things considered, there are far more pros to […]

By 9 min read

Guide to Property Investment Research: House Prices, Average Rents and Rental Demand

In this post, we’re sharing some tips and resources that you will need to conduct thorough property research. We will take you through how to assess house prices, average rents, rental demand, and rental yields. 

By 7 min read
hand holding smart phone with property apps

20 Best Landlord Apps for 2022

Ah, technology. Love it or loathe it, technology has revolutionised our lives in so many ways. From cute cat videos to mobile banking, most of us can’t manage without some kind of daily smartphone fix.

By 10 min read

Things You Should do in Landlord Vision Before the New Year

As the end of the year approaches, we want to take the opportunity to encourage you to have a break. Take some downtime, relax, spend time with your family and recharge your batteries. It’s difficult to do that if you’ve got outstanding things to deal with, especially if they are things you should have done […]

By 3 min read

Property Investment Strategies – HMOs & Students 

Similar to but definitely not the same as Self Contained Units, HMOs seem to be where the yields are at these days. This isn’t a strategy for the faint of heart though. For most people HMOs conjure the image of students, but this kind of living arrangement is becoming a lot more popular with different demographics as you’ll soon […]

By 10 min read

How to Waste Less Time on Your Property Management

Time is a finite resource, so it’s no wonder that saving time is a huge concern for anyone trying to achieve complicated things… like growing a property portfolio.   Given that there’s a huge amount of legislation to navigate, tenants to manage, paper trails to keep track of, it makes sense that landlords are always on the […]

By 11 min read

Property Investment Strategies – Office to Residential 

Affectionately known as the office to resi conversion, thanks to some new legislation aimed at breathing life back into ailing business districts it is now easier than ever to take advantage of this strategy. But as with all things of this ilk, thanks to a few people abusing the strategy, it’s likely to be more regulated in the […]

By 6 min read

Property Investment Strategies – Flipping

A few years back this strategy was all the rage among property afficionados, but recently stories of the thousands made flipping properties have widely diminished. For various reasons the government has been keen to make this strategy more difficult for property investors, but it hasn’t lost its relevance all together. Flipping is still a good […]

By 7 min read

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