Opening a letter to discover you’re under investigation by HMRC is a headache every landlord would rather avoid.
Opening a letter to discover you’re under investigation by HMRC is a headache every landlord would rather avoid.
Are you leveraging social media to boost your rental business? Research by We Are Social has found that there are 56.2 million social media users in the UK – that’s the equivalent of 82.8% of the total population. These users spend an average of one hour and 49 minutes across 6.4 platforms.
Want to increase your property investment returns? Learn how to calculate rental yields and identify high-yielding properties to boost your rental income.
Love it or hate it, technology has revolutionised the way that most businesses operate – including those in the property management sector.
As a landlord, it’s essential to prioritise security. During the year ending September 2023, there were over 180,000 residential burglaries in England and Wales – that’s roughly 493 burglaries every day.
Most landlords opt for residential properties when they’re new to property investment. Residential property has always been a more popular investment, and it’s easy to understand why. Generally, residential properties require a lower deposit and are less complicated and lower-risk investments. However, more experienced landlords often expand into the commercial market over time, lured by […]
Over recent years, the government has shifted the goal posts several times regarding energy efficiency requirements for private rented accommodation. If you manage a rental property and feel confused about your responsibilities in 2024 and beyond, you’re not alone.
Discovering that your rental property has been turned into a Breaking Bad-style drug lab ranks pretty high on every landlord’s list of worst-case scenarios.
Discover tips and advice for making your rental property more eco-friendly to boost its value, attract more tenants, and help fight climate change.
Do you need a letting agent to help manage your rental property? Learn what letting agents do and how to choose the right one to partner with.
Offering tenants the option to choose all-inclusive rent may create a little more admin for you, but it could significantly boost your rental property’s appeal.
Showing potential tenants around your rental property may feel like a tedious job at times, but it’s a crucial part of your role as a landlord.
Ready to learn how to elevate your rental business? You don’t need a killer CV or years of experience to manage a rental property. Essentially, anyone who meets the criteria to register as a landlord and secure the appropriate financing can take on the job.
How you handle tenant complaints says a lot about you as a landlord. Even if you have a fantastic relationship with your tenant most of the time, it’s how you respond during the more challenging moments that will stick in their minds.