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Avatar - George Dibb
George has built up a portfolio of rental properties over a number of years, focusing on traditional buy-to-let properties and refurbishment strategies in the North of England. George leverages his background in investment to focus on active and research led investment across both property and financial markets. George is a regular contributor to the Landlord Vision blog, focusing on property investment, the profession of being a landlord and writing market research material.
FRANKFURT, GERMANY - JUNE 3, 2014: The Bull and Bear Statues at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt Exchange is the 12th largest exchange by market capitalization.

Can You Beat the Property Market?

It is without doubt that the UK property market is booming. House prices are growing at their fastest rate in over 14 years, with prices increasing 9.6% in the year prior to May 2021. In fact, the last time investors witnessed returns like this was July 2007, the year before the great financial crash.  

By 4 min read

Tenant Welcome Packages: Are They Worth It?

Believe it or not, welcome packages for new tenants can be quite a controversial subject. Admittedly, few landlords will ever lose sleep over the debate. Yet, there appears to be a clear dividing line between more experienced landlords and the newer generation of property investors.   

By 3 min read
Wooden houses with question marks, housing crisis, confused decision, insecure investment, choosing right property concept

Everything You Need to Know About Right to Rent

Landlords in England are required by law to ensure that their tenants have the right to reside in the UK before providing rented accommodation. It is imperative that, prior to letting a property, landlords verify the immigration status of each and every adult proposing to occupy the property. 

By 8 min read

A Guide to Increasing Rent on Your Properties

One of the most satisfying parts of being a landlord is seeing the rents rise on the properties you let out. In most cases, it can mean a greater income and increased profit on your properties. Intrinsically, it can be an indication of a property well bought and a portfolio well managed.  

By 9 min read

The New Generation of Landlords Have Arrived

A quick online search will produce a whole host of tips and tricks for staying young. You may be advised to moisturise daily or load up on antioxidants to fight inflammation. However, few sites will advise you that becoming a landlord will prevent the onset of age. Yet, landlords in Britain are becoming increasingly youthful.  

By 4 min read

Should You Be Paying the Data Protection Fee?

It is increasingly common for ambitious or tax conscious landlords to operate their properties through a limited company structure. In fact, more companies were set up to hold buy-to-let properties between 2016 and 2020 than in the whole of the preceding 50 years. There are more than 225,000 limited companies operated by landlords in the UK. 

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There is Money to be Made in Monetary Policy

There are few things quite as dull as a monetary policy report. For many people, the term ‘monetary policy’ is enough to immediately lose their attention. It is understandable, monetary policy relies on economic theories, the reports often use financial jargon to refer to complex tools and changes are often measured in basis points (one-hundredth […]

By 5 min read
British passport and map of Europe

Updated Right to Rent Guidance on EU Nationals

The government has published wholesale changes to the way prospective tenants from the European Union are treated during right to rent checks. The guidance comes a mere five years after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (EU) and adds clarification for landlords and prospective tenants alike. Once the changes have come into effect, applicants from the European […]

By 3 min read
map with a magnify glass

Regional Rents Are Rising at Their Fastest Rate in A Decade

It is not just house prices that are increasing dramatically. Rents in some regions of the UK and Wales are rising at their fastest rate in a decade. Rents outside of London have increased by 3.0% over the past 12 months, according to online listing agent Zoopla. Similar to the broader housing market, there are noticeable trends driving rental […]

By 6 min read

Emergency Right to Rent Measures Extended

Last week Boris Johnson announced that the government would be delaying the long-awaited Covid ‘Freedom Day’ until the 19th of July. As a result of this, the government has decided to extend the emergency guidance on right to rent checks in England. 

By 3 min read
Purchasing a new property on credit. Mortgage credit concept with house toy and question mark on white wooden background top view space for text

How to Negotiate When Buying A Property

Typically, investors seek to purchase properties Below Market Value (BMV). Paying less for properties can be a key factor in determining how profitable your property investments turn out to be. Unfortunately, in an ever more digital and transparent world, buying a property below market value is proving to be an increasingly difficult task. 

By 8 min read

12 Top Tips for New Landlords

Frequent any landlord forum or Facebook group and you will see that some of the most commonly asked questions come from would-be landlords looking for tips or advice when starting out. It’s understandable, purchasing a buy-to-let property is often one of the biggest decisions you will make, second only to buying your own home. 

By 9 min read
Shot of empty boxes on the floor of an empty room during a house move. The boxes have been lit with a spot so the rest of the rooom goes dark and the designer can use light type over darker areas if needed. The halo is natural and has not been achieved by the use of post production adjustments.

How to Understand and Manage Void Periods

As all landlords will know, tenants do not stay in buy-to-let properties for ever. After a period of time most tenants will begin to consider upsizing, downsizing, buying their own property or moving for work. It is part of the natural life cycle of being a tenant or a landlord. When tenants do vacate a property, this […]

By 9 min read

The Key Dates for Landlords In 2021

The residential lettings market in the UK is a myriad of constantly changing rules and regulations. Staying on top of these changes can be a time-consuming affair for landlords. Thankfully, with the help of Sheards Chartered Accountants, we have put together a list of all the key changes you should be aware of so far in 2021. What […]

By 7 min read

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