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Avatar - George Dibb
George has built up a portfolio of rental properties over a number of years, focusing on traditional buy-to-let properties and refurbishment strategies in the North of England. George leverages his background in investment to focus on active and research led investment across both property and financial markets. George is a regular contributor to the Landlord Vision blog, focusing on property investment, the profession of being a landlord and writing market research material.
3 houses next to each other

Rising Rates Make Rents More Financially Appealing

Conventional wisdom in the UK has always held that it is better to save up to buy your first property than to rent one. The logic being that purchasing a home gives aspirational families security and a stake in society. However, this logic fails to account for the many benefits of renting and the flexibility […]

By 3 min read

What Does the Recently Proposed Right to Buy Scheme Mean for Landlords?

Rightly or wrongly, it is a widely held belief that homeowning voters tend, on average, to be conservative voters. It is perhaps with this in mind, that has led Boris Johnson to propose an expansion of the government’s Right to Buy Scheme. The Prime Minister hopes to extend the Right to Buy Scheme to include […]

By 4 min read
shower head over legionella

A Landlord’s Guide to Legionella in Rental Properties

In the UK, landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of tenants by keeping their properties safe and free from health hazards. This responsibility extends to the management and prevention of Legionella in properties.

By 3 min read
Crashed house of cards. Falling cards on beige background

House Prices Could Fall as Much as 5% By 2024

House prices could be set to fall by as much as 5 percent over the next two years as inflation and rising interest rates begin to take their toll. Capital Economics, a leading independent economic research firm, is now forecasting that house prices will l drop by 4 percent overall by the end of 2024. […]

By 3 min read

The 7 Compliance Requirements That All Landlords Should Know

The UK’s private rental sector can be a minefield of regulations andd compliance requirements. For new landlords especially, navigating these requirements can be a daunting task. To help, Landlord Vision have put together a list of the 7 key compliance requirements that all landlords should know:

By 7 min read
Creative idea of house model paper and percentage blue block on wooden table. Property investment real estate and house mortgage financial concept.

Keeping An Eye on Your Buy-To-Let Taxes in The Year Ahead

With the 2021-2022 tax year coming to an end in April and rising mortgage rates denting the profitability of buy-to-lets, it is more important than ever that British landlords make full use of the tax reliefs available to them. For any landlords in doubt about what they can and cannot claim, seeking the advice of […]

By 4 min read

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Old clocks on brick wall

Two-Fifths of Property Purchases Fail Due to Mortgage Delays

A recent survey of homebuyers found that nearly two-fifths had seen their property purchases fall through due to mortgage delays. Butterfield Mortgages Limited commissioned an independent survey of 690 homebuyers, with 38% having experienced mortgage delays that resulted in their purchase falling through. The survey highlighted that over half (51%) of respondents believe that the […]

By 2 min read

How Do House Prices Respond to Inflation? 

In investing circles, it is a broadly accepted rule that property, that is houses, provides a great hedge against inflation. Simply, this means that property is great at protecting your money and its purchasing power from the damaging and erosive effects of inflation. In some ways, this is due to property being a tangible or […]

By 6 min read

Rates Rise Again: What Does This Mean for Property Investors

The Bank of England has voted to raise interest rates for the third time in four months. The Monetary Policy Committee voted almost unanimously to increase the bank rate from 0.50% to 0.75% on the 17th of March. The decision means that interest rates will return to their pre-pandemic levels, the highest level since 2009.

By 4 min read
fire break glass

Everything Landlords Need to Know About Smoke & Fire Alarm Requirements

Landlords throughout the UK have an obligation to ensure that their properties are safe and in good repair. Perhaps the most important obligation for landlords is to ensure that properties are compliant with the latest fire safety guidance.  Despite the number of fire fatalities having reduced significantly over the past decades, there are approximately 37,000 […]

By 4 min read

The Lessons of Using Letting Agents

One of the most impressive features of the private rental sector is the sheer breadth and scale of the type of landlords that make up the British rental market. From active retirees to passive 20-year-olds. From educated doctors to industrious trades people. No two landlords are the same. As a result, there is a huge […]

By 6 min read

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act – What it Means for Welsh Landlords

Welsh landlords are set to face one of the biggest changes in Welsh housing law in decades. The long-awaited Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 will be implemented on the 15th of July 2022. The legislation will make changes to a broad array of areas, ranging from the introduction of standard occupation contracts, through to extended […]

By 4 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to 2022

Whilst it certainly came with its challenges, 2021 provided a lot for landlords to be thankful for. Not least the fact that house prices increased by 9.8% over the course of the year, equivalent to an average increase of £24,500. It wasn’t just house prices which rose last year, rents have been rising at the fastest […]

By 10 min read

Are UK Landlords Paying More Property Tax Than Their International Neighbours?

For many, a discussion on the intricacies and variations of UK tax policy might be compared to a form of long-lasting monotonous punishment. However, a recent London School of Economics (LSE) report commissioned by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) draws some very interesting conclusions. The report compares the UK’s current tax regime with those found in comparable nations, such as France and […]

By 7 min read

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