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Boosting your rental property’s kerb appeal

By 6 min read • August 5, 2024
Several houses with potted plants and trees.

Have you ever stopped in the street to ogle a property and momentarily let yourself daydream about living there? That’s the magic of kerb appeal.

While certain types of properties are naturally stunning – think charming stone cottages and quaint thatched-roof houses – most properties with kerb appeal have someone behind the scenes working tirelessly to keep their exterior beautifully maintained.

If sprucing up your rental property’s exterior isn’t high on your priority list –  it might be time to reconsider your strategy! In this article, we’ll explore what kerb appeal is, why it is essential for landlords, and how to elevate your rental property’s kerb appeal to the next level.

What is kerb appeal?

Kerb appeal is a bit of a buzzword in the property industry. Properties with kerb appeal are highly sought after. But what exactly is it? And has your investment property got it?

Kerb appeal is all about first impressions. What do people think when they first arrive at your property and gaze up at it from the street? If they’re wowed or they think it looks attractive – then your property has kerb appeal. If their first impressions are a bit “meh”, then it could be time to makeover your property’s exterior.

Kerb appeal isn’t something that’s reserved for the grandest and most luxe of properties. Any type of property can have it, from a student HMO (house in multiple occupation) to a detached family home. For your property to have kerb appeal, it simply needs to look attractive and inviting from the outside. There are many different strategies for boosting your property’s outer appearance, which we’ll explore in more detail later in this article.

Why should landlords care about boosting kerb appeal?

A lot of the time, when people talk about boosting kerb appeal, it’s in the context of selling a property. So, if you’re a landlord, is keeping up with appearances still important? The answer is a resounding yes! There are many ways that landlords can benefit from keeping their property looking great on the outside. Let’s find out some of the benefits of letting out a property that oozes kerb appeal.

Increase demand – Rental properties that look the part are usually in high demand. When you list an attractive rental property as vacant, you’re likely to get a far higher number of enquiries than if you listed a dilapidated one. This gives you more choice when screening prospective tenants, allowing you to pick and choose the right people.

Reduce void periods – Every day that your property stands empty is a day of lost rental income. There are also costs associated with listing your property on rental websites, carrying out viewings, screening prospective tenants, and getting them moved in. When demand is high, void periods tend to be low – which is great news for landlords as filling vacancies quickly saves both time and money.

Charge more rent – People often perceive highly maintained properties with stunning exteriors to be of higher value and are willing to pay more for them.

Maintain property value – Maintaining your rental property’s exterior can not only boost its profitability in the short term but also helpmaintain or even increase its market value.

Maintain the property’s condition – Proper property maintenance is key to enhancing kerb appeal. By keeping your property’s exterior looking good, you not only improve its appearance but also reduce the risk of running into maintenance issues. This proactive approach can save you money on repairs and keep your property in good condition for longer.

Boost your reputation – If your property looks well cared for, it will reflect well on you as a landlord. Maintaining an attractive property can help you earn a reputation within the local community as a conscientious and reliable landlord.

Improve tenant retention – Your tenants are more likely to feel satisfied with where they are living and renew their lease if the property is well-cared for and visually appealing, reducing tenant turnover and the costs associated with finding new tenants.

Property maintenance to improve kerb appeal

Ok, so now we understand why maintaining your rental property’s exterior appearance is so important as a landlord – let’s learn more about where to start. The first and most important step in boosting kerb appeal is ensuring that your property’s exterior is in good condition and well-maintained. You can add plant pots, solar lights, and a fancy new house number – but if the brickwork is crumbling, the paintwork is peeling, or the window frames are rotting, your efforts will be in vain. Before adding any aesthetic “extras”, go back to the basics and ensure that the exterior of your building is in top form.

Paintwork or brickwork – Regularly inspect and maintain the paint and brickwork. A fresh coat of paint or a good clean can rejuvenate your property’s façade. If the brickwork is looking a little worse for wear, consider re-pointing to restore its original charm.

Roof and gutters – Your property’s roof and gutters are important for both aesthetics and the building’s integrity. Clean out gutters regularly to prevent water damage and replace any broken or missing tiles on the roof to keep everything looking neat and prevent water ingress.

Cleaning – A deep clean can instantly refresh a property. Use a power washer to clean exterior walls, paths, and driveways to remove years of dirt and grime and instantly lift your property’s appearance.

Fences – Repair any broken fencing and give it a fresh stain or paint. A well-maintained fence will enhance the property’s appearance and boost security.

Windows and doors – Your property’s windows and doors are focal points. Make sure that they are all in good working order, repair any damage, repaint frames and sills, and clean them regularly.

Garden – An unkempt garden can be a real eyesore. Overgrown trees and shrubs can make it difficult to see your property and can even pose a security risk. Ensure that the lawn is regularly mowed and plants and shrubs are pruned.

Tips and tricks for boosting kerb appeal

Once you’ve got the basics covered, it’s time to start thinking about how to dress the property up a bit more. For landlords, this is particularly important when getting the property ready for viewings. Sprucing up your property’s exterior as well as its interior can help to drum up more interest and reduce the amount of time your property stands empty.

Add feature lighting

Install outdoor lighting to illuminate the pathway, front door, or key features of the front garden. This will enhance the property’s appearance at night as well as improve security.

Refresh the front door

The front door is a key focal point, so it pays to spend some time dressing it up to look nice. If you can, consider painting the door in a colour that complements the property’s exterior and style. Add a welcoming doormat and new door hardware, such as an attractive door knocker, handle, or letterbox.

Low maintenance plants

Brighten up the front of your house by planting colourful but low-maintenance perennials or shrubs either in the front garden, if it has one, or in pots outside the property. Two simple evergreen shrubs in decorative pots on either side of the front door can add some elegance if you’re lacking space for plants.

Outdoor art

Be careful when adding outdoor art, as art can be subjective, and something that is to your taste may not appeal to others. However, adding a simple sculpture, decorative stones, or a sundial could add some character to your property’s exterior.

Replace the house number or name

Replace old or worn-out house numbers or names with modern and stylish options that match the property’s aesthetic. This small detail can make a big difference visually and make your property easier to find.

Move bins out of sight

If you currently keep wheelie bins at the front of the house, consider moving them around the side or out the back so that they are out of sight. Keeping them out the front is convenient for easy access but can be an eyesore, particularly if there are a lot of them!

Implementing these tips and ideas can help your rental property stand out in the marketplace and improve tenant satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher occupancy rates and potentially higher rental yields.

How to maintain kerb appeal with tenants in situ

When you first invest in a rental property, you’re likely to spend considerable time and money sprucing up its exterior to attract tenants.

However, keeping your rental property looking good is a continual process, especially when you have tenants living in the property. So, if you’re not living at the property yourself, how can you ensure its exterior is maintained in tip-top condition?

Start by setting clear expectations. Include specific guidelines in the lease agreement regarding tenant responsibilities for property upkeep. Clearly outline what you expect in terms of lawn care, rubbish disposal, general exterior maintenance, and reporting problems. Stress the importance of reporting small problems like a broken fence or issues with the gutter before they turn into bigger problems.

Make it easy for tenants to look after the property by providing them with the necessary tools and resources. This could include lawnmowers, garden hoses, or even a professional window cleaning service as part of the rental agreement.

Performing regular property inspections can also help you identify and address any external maintenance needs promptly.

Finally, maintain open lines of communication and foster a positive relationship with your tenants. A good rapport can make tenants more inclined to take care of the property. If they are satisfied with their living conditions and your management, they’re more likely to treat your property with respect and keep up with their maintenance responsibilities.

Pouring time and effort into improving your rental property’s kerb appeal is about more than keeping up appearances. It sends a clear message to tenants that you’re committed to providing a well-maintained and welcoming home. This commitment can help boost your reputation as a reliable landlord and increase demand for your property. So, it’s well worth keeping those hedges trimmed and paintwork fresh!

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