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The Renters’ Rights Bill and How It Can Change Private Renting Forever

Let’s begin by getting the name right. The Renters Reform Bill did not complete its passage through parliament before the general election and therefore it no longer exists. The Labour government immediately introduced its version and called it the Renters Rights Bill which is on its way and will have the second reading in the […]

By 9 min read
digital word built with letter cubes

How Will Making Tax Digital (MTD) Benefit Landlords?

If you’re feeling uneasy about the upcoming Making Tax Digital deadline, you’re not alone. Many landlords are feeling concerned about the changes ahead, and that’s completely understandable. However, we’re here to ease your worries by explaining how it all works and talking about some of the many benefits that the changes will offer UK landlords.

By 6 min read
Piggy bank pink pig and calculator.

12 Smart Ways Landlords Can Minimise Operational Costs

Looking for a way to increase your rental property’s profitability? Instead of raising rent, your priority should be reducing operational costs.

By 6 min read
Conceptual caption Property Management. Word for Overseeing of Real Estate Preserved value of Facility Abstract Gathering Investigation Clues Online, Presenting Internet Ideas

Streamlining Property Management Using Automation Tools

As a landlord or property manager, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day—especially if you’re managing a large portfolio of properties.

By 6 min read
Model house and a globe on a linen canvas

The Remote Landlord: Strategies for Long-Distance Property Management

In an ideal world, most landlords would like to live near the rental properties they manage, enabling them to visit at the drop of a hat to carry out tasks like property viewings and maintenance jobs in person.

By 7 min read
Union flag background with yellow, blue and red voting buttons

Post-Election Positives For Landlords

This year’s election welcomed a new Labour era in the UK, bringing with them changes that impact landlords and tenants alike. There is the shock proposal to abolish winter fuel allowances, adjustments to tax policies, and unexpected amendments that may be on the cards once normal business resumes following the summer.

By 5 min read
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