LPM Frequently Asked Questions | Landlord Vision
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Migrating from Landlords’ Property Manager to Landlord Vision

About Landlords’ Property Manager

There are many differences between the two solutions but here are just a few major features that are in Landlord Vision:

  1. It runs in the cloud on any internet connected device including PCs, Apple MACs, Tablets and Smart Phones. Landlords’ Property Manager works on a desktop PC.
  2. It has an integrated accounting engine that records each financial transaction in full detail using accounting principles.
  3. It has a superior expense management, with the ability to create recurring transactions, record partial payments and track outstanding invoices (to name just a few).
  4. Enhanced bank account functionality.
  5. It has an integrated calendar module that shows all property related tasks as well as when rents are due.

There are just too many features to list here but you can get more of a flavour of the new features by clicking this link: Landlords’ Property Manager and Landlord Vision Changes

If you are on the following versions you will be able to migrate your data:

Version 8 customer, you need to be on version 8.40.
Version 9 customer, you need to be on version v9.30.
Version 10 customer, you need to be on version v10.00 or higher.

Migrating data from Landlords’ Property Manager

The essential property details and the details of all active tenancies are imported. This means that you are then ready to start recording payments received and managing your other property related matters.

You can see the exact data that is imported by clicking the file link below. This shows all the data fields that are imported.

Download Excel Template

Download CSV Template

Landlord Vision has a totally different structure, layout and feel to Landlords’ Property Manager. In essence it has been redesigned by feedback from you, our users, and other experienced landlords. It also has many, many more features (see below) that are not available in Landlords’ Property Manager.

For example, in Landlord Vision we have developed an integrated accounting engine, so all financial transactions are recorded using accounting principles and double entry bookkeeping. Landlords’ Property Manager has no such concept so migrating the financial data would not be possible.

Migrating is easy and this short video demonstration shows exactly how it can be done.

Alternatively, you can also follow the steps below:

  1. First open your LPM programme and go to:
  2. File -> Export Properties and Tenancies to Landlord Vision
  3. If any of your tenancies are HMOs that haven't been assigned to a room, you will be given a chance to quickly do so at this point (this is necessary for correctly allocating the information in Landlord Vision). If all of your HMOs are already assigned to rooms then you won't see this message.
  4. You then have a choice to only transfer active tenancies or all of your tenancies regardless of status. After the selection you will be prompted to choose a location to save the file.
  5. Once saved, open up Landlord Vision. If you haven't already created your portfolio for this data, please do so by clicking on 'Portfolios -> Create Portfolio'.
  6. On the Portfolio screen, click on 'Import Properties & Tenancies from CSV File'.
  7. Select the Portfolio from the drop-down list and then ‘Browse' for the LPM file that you just saved.
  8. Finally, click on 'Import Data'.

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